How do I print long long int in printf?

How do I print long long int in printf?

For most other platforms you’d use %lld for printing a long long. (and %llu if it’s unsigned). This is standarized in C99.

What is the format of long integer?

List of all format specifiers in C programming

Format specifier Description Supported data types
%lli, %lld Signed Integer long long
%llu Unsigned Integer unsigned long long
%o Octal representation of Integer. short unsigned short int unsigned int long
%p Address of pointer to void void * void *

How do I print long integers?

You must use %ld to print a long int , and %lld to print a long long int . Note that only long long int is guaranteed to be large enough to store the result of that calculation (or, indeed, the input values you’re using).

How do I print a long printf?

7 Answers. Put an l (lowercased letter L) directly before the specifier. printf(“%ld”, ULONG_MAX) outputs the value as -1. Should be printf(“%lu”, ULONG_MAX) for unsigned long as described by @Blorgbeard below.

What is %g in C?

%g. It is used to print the decimal floating-point values, and it uses the fixed precision, i.e., the value after the decimal in input would be exactly the same as the value in the output. %p. It is used to print the address in a hexadecimal form.

What is long integer in C?

A long integer is a data type in computer science whose range is greater (sometimes even double) than that of the standard data type integer. Depending on the programming language and the computer machine processor, the size of the long integer will vary.

Which data type can hold 10 digit integer numbers in C?

1.3. 2. Modifiers in C language:

C Data types / storage Size Range
long double / 10 1Eā€“37 to 1E+37 with ten digits of precision
long int / 4 ā€“2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647
short int / 2 ā€“32,767 to 32,767
unsigned short int / 2 0 to 65,535

What is the function of printf?

The printf() function sends a formatted string to the standard output (the display). This string can display formatted variables and special control characters, such as new lines (‘\n’), backspaces (‘\b’) and tabspaces (‘\t’); these are listed in Table 2.1.

What is printf () and scanf in C?

printf() and scanf() in C The printf() and scanf() functions are used for input and output in C language. Both functions are inbuilt library functions, defined in stdio.h (header file).

How to format an unsigned long long int using printf?

A normal number is %d. “, sizeof (num), num, normalInt); return 0; } My number is 8 bytes wide and its value is 285212672l. A normal number is 0. I assume this unexpected result is from printing the unsigned long long int. How do you printf () an unsigned long long int? Use the ll (el-el) long-long modifier with the u (unsigned) conversion.

How are the types specified in printf format?

This behavior is Microsoft-specific. Integer types such as short, int, long, long long, and their unsigned variants, are specified by using d, i, o, u, x, and X. Floating-point types such as float, double, and long double, are specified by using a, A, e, E, f, F, g, and G.

Do you put L before format specifier in printf?

Put an l (lowercased letter L) directly before the specifier. On most platforms, long and int are the same size (32 bits). Still, it does have its own format specifier: For 64 bits, you’d want a long long: Oh, and of course, it’s different in Windows:

How to print a formatted string in C?

int printf ( const char * format, ); Print formatted data to stdout. Writes the C string pointed by format to the standard output . If format includes format specifiers (subsequences beginning with %), the additional arguments following format are formatted and inserted in the resulting string replacing their respective specifiers.