What is a KS2 scaled score?

What is a KS2 scaled score?

The key stage 1 (KS1) NCTs have a scaled score ranging from 85 to 115, and the key stage 2 (KS2) NCTs from 80 to 120, with a scaled score of 100 representing the expected standard at the end of the key stage. Scaled scores show whether a pupil has met an expected standard or not.

How are KS2 scaled scores calculated?

A scaled score of 100 or more shows the pupil has met the expected standard in the test. Pupils need to have a raw score of 3 marks to be awarded the minimum scaled score. If a pupil has a raw score of 0 to 2 marks, the scaled score field for the pupil in the ‘Pupil results’ section of NCA tools will be ‘N’.

What scaled score is greater depth KS2?

A scaled score of 110+ indicates the child has scored highly and has grasped the age-related expectations in greater depth. This is commonly referred to as GDS (greater depth).

What is a good KS2 SATs score?

101-119 – Any score above 100 (including 120) means that a child has exceeded the expected standard in the test. 100 – This is the expected standard for children. 80-99 – Any child that is awarded a scaled score of 99 or below has not met the expected standard in their KS2 SATs test.

What is the scaled score?

A scaled score is a representation of the total number of correct questions a candidate has answered (raw score) that has been converted onto a consistent and standardized scale. Because of the variability in difficulty of individual questions, though, the forms are rarely equal in difficulty.

What Is A Good Year 6 SATs score?

How do scaled exams work?

The reported scaled scores are obtained by statistically adjusting and converting raw scores onto a common scale to account for differences in difficulty across different forms. For an easier form, a test taker needs to answer slightly more questions correctly to get a particular scaled score.

What’s the range of scaled scores for KS2?

Range of scaled scores The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test is the same as set in 2016 and is intended to stay the same in future years. 80 is the lowest scaled score that can be awarded, 120 is the highest scaled score. Pupils scoring at least a scaled score of 100 will have met the expected standard of the test.

What’s the minimum scaled score for Key Stage 2?

The lowest scaled score that can be awarded on a key stage 2 test is 80. The highest score is 120. Pupils need to have a raw score of at least 3 marks to be awarded the minimum scaled score. The subjects are listed on separate tabs within the Excel spreadsheet.

What’s the average KS2 Maths score in 2019?

Only 50% achieve 100 or more in a standardised test (100 represents the average, or the 50th percentile); yet 79% achieved 100+ in the KS2 maths test in 2019 (the average score in 2019 KS2 maths test was 105). It is not possible for 79% of pupils to achieve a score of 100+ on an NFER test because a score of 100 on such tests is always the average.

How are KS2 results calculated for each subject?

The raw scores for each test are calculated by adding the scores from each paper for a subject. KS2 tests are externally marked and marks are returned to schools in the ‘Pupil results’ section of NCA tools. To receive a scaled score, pupils must take each test paper for the subject. For those pupils, schools will receive: