What does stromal decidualization mean?

What does stromal decidualization mean?

Decidualization is a process of stromal differentiation that is confined to species in which embryo implantation occurs interstitially, creating an interface between trophoblast and the maternal uterine stroma.

What is decidualization endometrium?

Decidualization refers to the functional and morphological changes that occur within the endometrium to form the decidual lining into which the blastocyst implants. These changes include the recruitment of leukocytes and, importantly, the differentiation of endometrial stromal fibroblast cells (ESCs) into DSCs.

What is implantation or decidualization?

Once implantation occurs and the embryo breaches the luminal epithelium, the stromal cells surrounding the implanting embryo transform into a decidua by a process called decidualization [9,95].

What does endometrial stroma mean?

Abstract. Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) is a rare malignant tumor of the endometrium, occurring in the age group of 40–50 years. This is a case of low-grade ESS presenting as rapid enlargement of a fibroid uterus.

What is the purpose of Decidualization?

Decidualization plays an important role in promoting placenta formation between a mother and her fetus by mediating the invasiveness of trophoblast cells. It also triggers the production of cellular and molecular factors that result in structural changes, or remodeling, of maternal spiral arteries.

Does Decidualization occur before implantation?

In humans, decidualization occurs after ovulation during the menstrual cycle. After implantation of the embryo, the decidua further develops to mediate the process of placentation.

What is stromal bleeding?

Stromal Breakdown. This term describes the endometrial changes resulting from anovulatory cycles. It is probably the most common abnormality found in biop- sies performed for abnormal bleeding in peri- menopausal women.

What is mild stromal hyperplasia?

Stromal hyperplasia is the nodular or diffuse proliferation of the ovarian stroma, whereas OHT is stromal proliferation accompanied by luteinised stromal cells [5]. They present with hyperandrogenism, obesity, hyperinsulinaemia, acanthosis nigricans, and even virilization, mainly in postmenopausal women [2].