Which is the conjugation of the verb Lesen?

Which is the conjugation of the verb Lesen?

The conjugation of the verb lesen is irregular. Basic forms are liest, las and hat gelesen. The stem vowels are e – a – e. The auxiliary verb of lesen is haben.

Is the word Lesen in the second or third person?

Lesen is an irregular verb with a stem vowel change in the second and third person. Updated: 05/21/2021 Get Out Your Reading Glasses! Whether reading classics such as Goethe and Brecht, the newspaper, or something from the young and dynamic literary scene, reading is a part of everyday life for most Germans.

When to use the flection of a German verb?

Conjugate German verb lesen. Therfore, the flection of the verb lesen can be useful for homework, tests, exams, German lessons in school, learning German, during studies and adult education. Especially for people learning German it is essential to know the correct flection of a verb (liest – las – hat gelesen).

Where does the word Lesen come from in German?

Lesen is an irregular verb with a stem vowel change in the second and third person. Whether reading classics such as Goethe and Brecht, the newspaper, or something from the young and dynamic literary scene, reading is a part of everyday life for most Germans. In fact, Germany boasts literary houses that stress reading books over selling them.

Which is the correct form of the subjunctiveactive Lesen?

SubjunctiveActive 1 Present : ich lese, du lesest, er lese, wir lesen, ihr leset, sie lesen 2 Imperfect : ich läse, du läsest, er läse, wir läsen, ihr läset, sie läsen 3 Perfect : ich habe gelesen, du habest gelesen, er habe gelesen, wir haben gelesen, ihr habet gelesen, sie haben gelesen

When to use es or Lesen in German?

A note for the third person es example above: The word for girl in German is das Mädchen and would therefore be replaced by the pronoun es. In English, we would say ‘she’, not ‘it’. You may have noticed that lesen is irregular. It is a stem vowel changing verb. The e changes to ie in the second person ( du form) and third person ( er/sie/es form).