What is cross coverage in System Verilog?

What is cross coverage in System Verilog?

Cross Coverage is specified between the cover points or variables. Cross coverage is specified using the cross construct. Expressions cannot be used directly in a cross; a coverage point must be explicitly defined first.

How do I write coverage in System Verilog?

How to write covergroups?

  1. Variables are mentioned as a coverpoint .
  2. Coverpoints are put together in a covergroup block.
  3. Multiple covergroups can be created to sample the same variables with different set of bins.
  4. bins are said to be “hit/covered” when the variable reaches the corresponding values.

How do you define cross coverage?

noun A physician who ‘covers’ for another physician and provides Pt care when the other physician is not available, the other physician reciprocates verb To provide health care for another physician’s Pt.

Can we cross two Covergroups?

We treat cross also as an object that belongs to covergroup object as a composition internally. So now crosses can be reused across the covergroups. If the sampling events are different between the two covergroups tool will automatically warn you about it.

What is bins in SV?

The bins construct allows the creation of a separate bin for each value in the given range of possible values of a coverage point variable.

How do you write ignore bins in cross coverage?

User-defined bins for cross coverage are defined using binsof and intersect. To create a ignore bin on cross one needs to use binsof and intersect.

What are the advantages of cross coverage?

Cross allows keeping track of information which is received simultaneous on more than one cover point. Cross coverage is specified using the cross construct.

How do you write a Coverpoint?

SystemVerilog allows specifying the cover points in various ways.

  1. Using XMR. Example: Cover_xmr : coverpoint top.DUT.Submodule.bus_address;
  2. Part select. Example: Cover_part: coverpoint bus_address[31:2];
  3. Expression. Example: Cocver_exp: coverpoint (a*b);
  4. Function return value. Example:
  5. Ref variable.

How do you ignore bins in cross coverage?

What is wildcard bins in SV?

WILDCARD BINS. By default, a value or transition bin definition can specify 4-state values. When a bin definition includes an X or Z, it indicates that the bin count should only be incremented when the sampled value has an X or Z in the same bit positions.

What is coverage and what are different types in SV?

Coverage is used to measure tested and untested portions of the design. Coverage is defined as the percentage of verification objectives that have been met. There are two types of coverage metrics, Code Coverage. Functional Coverage.

What is the difference between Rand and Randc?

rand are standard random variables. When there are no other control on distrubution, these variables are uniformly distributed across valid values. randc are random cyclic that randomly iterates over all the values in the range and no value is repeated with in an iteration until every possible value has been assigned.