What does gigazyme do?

What does gigazyme do?

gigazyme® is an enzymatic detergent for manual reprocessing of medical devices such as flexible endoscopes and surgical instruments.

How to use gigazyme?

gigazymeTM is a concentrate that can be diluted with cold water as per below mentioned instructions. For cleaning, immerse the instruments and endoscopes into stock solution in such a way that the surface is completely moistened and air escapes out of the lumen. After cleaning, rinse the instrument thoroughly.

What is gigazyme effective against?

The disinfecting properties of gigazyme® X·tra offer protection from contaminations with infectious pathogens such as bacteria, yeasts, and enveloped viruses (incl. HIV, HBV, HCV) for personnel and the environment.

What kind of cleaning agent is gigazyme for?

gigazyme ® is an enzymatic cleaning agent designed specifically for the manual and semi-automatic cleaning of endoscopes and for the manual cleaning of surgical instruments.

How much water is in 1% gigazyme solution?

1 litre of a 1 % solution corresponds to 990 ml water and 10 ml gigazyme ®. Further information: When cleaning contaminated instruments and endoscopes, blood can coagulate if the cleaning solution is too warm. This can make the cleaning process difficult. According to that the optimal cleaning temperature is below 35°C.

How often do you need to renew gigazyme standing solution?

Do not mix with cleaning agents and disinfectants. Standing time: It is recommended to renew the working solution every working day and if contamination is clearly visible. 1 litre of a 1 % solution corresponds to 990 ml water and 10 ml gigazyme ®.

When to use gigazyme for endoscope reprocessing?

gigazyme ® is a concentrate and is diluted with cold water to produce the desired application concentration. Place endoscopes and instruments for reprocessing in the gigazyme ® solution immediately after use. Ensure complete covering of the surfaces, also of hollow instruments, and allow to take effect.