What does Freud mean by transference?

What does Freud mean by transference?

In psychoanalytic theory, transference occurs when a client projects feelings about someone else, particularly someone encountered in childhood, onto her therapist. Frequently spoken about in reference to the therapeutic relationship, the classic example of sexual transference is falling in love with one’s therapist.

How did Freud discover transference?

Transference and counter-transference during psychotherapy When Freud initially encountered transference in his therapy with patients, he thought he was encountering patient resistance, as he recognized the phenomenon when a patient refused to participate in a session of free association.

What is transference analysis psychology?

in psychoanalysis, the interpretation of a patient’s early relationships and experiences as they are reflected and expressed in his or her present relationship to the analyst. Also called transference analysis.

What is Freudian transference and why does it matter?

Transference, first described by Sigmund Freud, is a phenomenon in psychotherapy in which there is an unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. In his later writings, Freud learned that understanding the transference was an important piece of the psychotherapeutic work.

Is transference a Freudian concept?

What should I not say to my psychologist?

What Not to Say to Your Therapist

  • “I feel like I’m talking too much.” Remember, this hour or two hours of time with your therapist is your time and your space.
  • “I’m the worst.
  • “I’m sorry for my emotions.”
  • “I always just talk about myself.”
  • “I can’t believe I told you that!”
  • “Therapy won’t work for me.”

How do you avoid transference and countertransference?

Step 1: Increase your own awareness of when it is occurring

  1. Ensure you are aware of own countertransference.
  2. Attend to client transference patterns from the start.
  3. Notice resistance to coaching.
  4. Pick up on cues that may be defences.
  5. Follow anxieties.
  6. Spot feelings and wishes beneath those anxieties.

Should you tell your therapist about transference?

This is why it’s important to talk to your therapist about what you’re feeling. Transference won’t get resolved in a single session, but it will respond to the work you do to address it. It can take some time, but a good therapist will help you feel supported while you work through the process.