How much do Georgia virtual school teachers make?

How much do Georgia virtual school teachers make?

Virtual School Teacher Salary in Georgia

Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $57,365 $1,103
75th Percentile $39,438 $758
Average $34,248 $658
25th Percentile $21,960 $422

How does virtual school work in Georgia?

In the Georgia Virtual School program Georgia certified teachers guide students through each course on a traditional semester pacing. All courses are available on the internet around the clock. Success rates meet or exceed state scores on both the state End of Course Tests and the Advanced Placement exams.

Is Georgia virtual school accredited?

Georgia Virtual School is accredited through SACS/Advanc-Ed. Like the previous e-Learning program, the Georgia Virtual School program offers a wide-variety of courses to Georgia high school students.

What is the best app for online teaching?

Apps and tools for teaching

  • 1- Nearpod. The first app that proves ideal for livening up lessons, and made especially for teachers, is the one called Nearpod.
  • 2- Viper (Windows)
  • 3 – Attendance.
  • 4 – TooNoisy.
  • 5 – ThingLink.
  • 6 – AnswerGarden.
  • 7 – Poll Everywhere.
  • 8 – Slido.

Can I be a virtual teacher?

Becoming a virtual teacher is, in many ways, similar to the path you would take to become a regular teacher. If you want a job teaching at the college level, you need to have a master’s degree and significant experience in your area. You must also be comfortable using technology as part of the educational experience.

Is there a virtual school program in Georgia?

GA Virtual School is a program of the Georgia Department of Education’s Office of Teaching and Learning. The program is AdvancED accredited and operates in partnership with schools and parents to offer middle school and high school level courses across the state.

Where can I find Georgia public school vacancies?

TeachGeorgia is the official state database of all certified position vacancies in Georgia public schools. *All position vacancies and job fair information are posted and managed by the school systems.

How to apply for a job in Ga?

To apply for a position with GaDOE, potential candidates must complete a state of Georgia application, which can be found online at Team Georgia Careers. You can also search and view our current job vacancies in Team Georgia Careers by clicking on the links below.

Who are the teachers at Georgia Cyber Academy?

Georgia Cyber Academy (GCA) is a rapidly growing organization that offers our teachers and staff members the excitement of exploring an emerging concept in education. Daily, our talented teachers and staff make an impact on the lives of children. Join us and be inspired by the potential of our students. Apply Today!