How does Tennyson describe The Lotos-Eaters?

How does Tennyson describe The Lotos-Eaters?

Tennyson’s ‘The Lotos-eaters’ is based on a portion of Homer’s Odyssey in which Odysseus’s men are fed lotos plants and become mesmerized by the land onto which they have stumbled. The men who eat these fruits, all but Odysseus, fall under the empty spell of the land.

What is the main theme of the poem The Lotos-Eaters by Alfred Lord Tennyson?

Time. Time is really screwy in “The Lotus-Eaters.” The land of the Lotos-eaters seems to be stuck in some kind of endless afternoon, and the speakers of the poem are obsessed with eternity, death, and en…

What kind of poem is The Lotos-Eaters?

Form. This poem is divided into two parts: the first is a descriptive narrative (lines 1–45), and the second is a song of eight numbered stanzas of varying length (lines 46–173). The first part of the poem is written in nine-line Spenserian stanzas, so called because they were employed by Spenser in The Faerie Queene.

What is the summary of Lotus Eaters?

A crew of sailors is about to arrive in a new and strange country. When they get there, they find a lazy, tropical place, full of streams and mountains and waterfalls. Pretty soon, they meet the natives, called the “Lotos-eaters,” who are a mysterious bunch with “dark faces” (line 26) who look both gentle and sad.

Who is the speaker in the poem Lotos-eaters?

The speaker for this first part is an anonymous, third-person narrator type. We don’t learn much about who he is, or what his perspective on this whole crazy business is. At the same time, because of what comes after, his lack of personality really stands out.

Are the lotus eaters happy?

After they had eaten, Odysseus ordered three of his company to investigate the island further. They had not been injured, but had been warmly greeted by the island’s natives. Homer called these people the lotophagoi, or Lotus Eaters. They were happy and peaceful people who lived off the fruits of the lotus tree.

What is the central idea of the poem the flower by Alfred Lord Tennyson?

In the poem ‘The Flower’, the poet, Tennyson talks about general wisdom; through this metaphorical poem he tells the readers that new ideas, endeavors are initially scoffed at by people. And when that new idea or endeavor becomes popular, people far and wide imitate it.

What do the lotus eaters symbolize?

The Lotus Eaters represent one of the challenges that Odysseus had to face on his way home – slothfulness. These were a group of people who had forgotten their purpose in life and who gave in to the peaceful apathy that came with eating the lotus.

Who is the speaker in the poem Lotos eaters?

What will happen if one eats the lotus?

In Greek mythology, the lotus-eaters (Greek: λωτοφάγοι, translit. After they ate the lotus they would forget their home and loved ones, and only long to stay with their fellow lotus-eaters. Those who ate the plant never cared to report, nor return.

What are the effects of eating a lotus flower?

Lotus contains chemicals that decrease swelling, kill cancer cells and bacteria, reduce blood sugar, help the breakdown of fat, and protect the heart and blood vessels. Chemicals in lotus also seem to protect the skin, liver, and brain.

Who is the author of the poem The Lotos Eaters?

The Lotos-Eaters. “The Lotos-Eaters” is a poem by Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, published in Tennyson’s 1832 poetry collection.

What happens in the second stanza of Lotos Eaters?

First, they praise the sweet and soporific music of the land of the Lotos-eaters, comparing this music to petals, dew, granite, and tired eyelids. In the second stanza, they question why man is the only creature in nature who must toil.

Who is the third person in the Lotos Eaters?

Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s version, on the other hand, is in the third person until line 46. The word “Courage” is spoken by Odysseus himself, as he directs his men to land their ship. Tennyson proceeds to describe in lyrical elaboration of the Homeric text the dreamy country of the lotos-eaters.

How is the Lotos-Eaters different from the Hesperides?

Thus, the mariners are appealing yet unappealing at the same time. In structure, The Lotos-Eaters is somewhere between the form of Oenone and The Hesperides. In terms of story, The Lotos-Eaters is not obscure like The Hesperides nor as all-encompassing as Oenone but it still relies on a frame like the other two.

How does Tennyson describe the Lotos eaters?

How does Tennyson describe the Lotos eaters?

Tennyson’s ‘The Lotos-eaters’ is based on a portion of Homer’s Odyssey in which Odysseus’s men are fed lotos plants and become mesmerized by the land onto which they have stumbled. The men who eat these fruits, all but Odysseus, fall under the empty spell of the land.

What is the message of the Lotus Eaters?

The themes in Tennyson’s poem deal more with death and time. This poem focuses more on the men who ingested the Lotus flower and how it affects them. The lotus causes them to become very depressed, mainly about how they will never see their families again even though they really want to.

Why do the lotus eaters wish to resemble the God?

These Lotus Eaters were like gods because they seemed to be able to change the minds of man to slumber instead of work.

What kind of poem is the Lotos eaters?

This poem is divided into two parts: the first is a descriptive narrative (lines 1–45), and the second is a song of eight numbered stanzas of varying length (lines 46–173). The first part of the poem is written in nine-line Spenserian stanzas, so called because they were employed by Spenser in The Faerie Queene.

What is the summary of the lotus eater?

A crew of sailors is about to arrive in a new and strange country. When they get there, they find a lazy, tropical place, full of streams and mountains and waterfalls. Pretty soon, they meet the natives, called the “Lotos-eaters,” who are a mysterious bunch with “dark faces” (line 26) who look both gentle and sad.

What might the Lotus Eaters symbolize?

Those who ate the plant never cared to report, nor return. Figuratively, ‘lotus-eater’ denotes “a person who spends their time indulging in pleasure and luxury rather than dealing with practical concerns”.

Are Lotus Eaters evil?

First, we must consider the nature of the Homeric Lotus Eaters. They are often associated with drowsy narcosis, but their real evil in the eyes of Odysseus was the forgetfulness their fruit induced in his men.

What did Alfred Lord Tennyson write about?

The best-known poems by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, included “The Charge of the Light Brigade” and “Crossing the Bar.” His longer works included In Memoriam, inspired by his grief over the untimely death of a friend, and Idylls of the King, based on Arthurian legend.

What is the central idea of the poem the flower by Alfred Lord Tennyson?

Explanation: In the poem ‘The Flower’, the poet, Tennyson talks about general wisdom; through this metaphorical poem he tells the readers that new ideas, endeavors are initially scoffed at by people. And when that new idea or endeavor becomes popular, people far and wide imitate it.

What is the story of the lotus-eaters?

The Lotus-Eaters were creatures that appeared to look very innocent, with looking like normal human beings. Odysseus and his men had lived on the sweet, intoxicating fruits of a tree, producing its lotus-like flowers. They got this name due to their unique properties and that kept them in a state of forgetfulness.

What happened to the lotus-eaters?

According to Odysseus, Zeus sent a storm and blew them afar for nine days, before they landed on the island of the Lotus-eaters. They would have stayed, lingered, and probably died there, but Odysseus by force of character dragged the men back to the ships to sail homeward.