Which is the best safety video for work?

Which is the best safety video for work?

7 Best Workplace Safety Videos: to Inspire Safety at Work Shake up the work day with these funny, inspirational, and impactful workplace safety videos. ACUTE helps teams become inspired and empowered for safety!

What should you know about workplace safety at work?

Workplace safety isn’t something employees should have to think just during training workshops or drills. Instead, it’s more effective to include workplace safety in the company culture by encouraging everyone to be accountable for maintaining a safe workplace. Together, all of you can reduce the number of accidents and injuries. Loading…

Who was the first person to say safety is never attained?

Safety is never ‘attained’ but a work in progress in tension between ALARP and the Precautionary Principle. – Dr Rob Long – HERE If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. — Albert Einstein

Why do people want to work in a safe environment?

ABSENTEEISM DROPS WHEN EFFECTIVE SAFETY PROGRAMS ARE INTRODUCED Workers want to work in a safe environment; absenteeism drops when effective safety programs are introduced. 3. WORK PREMISES ARE KEPT TO HIGHER STANDARDS Work premises are kept to higher standards for safety, cleanliness, and housekeeping 4.

Where can I download a safety video for free?

For full length preview & free safety video downloads, visit us at the Safety Video Shop website above. But if you are here looking for free safety videos, check out a new website called www.safetyvideostore.com – there you will discover a plethora of free workplace safety training for free download. Did you read all the way down to here?

Which is the best training tool for workplace safety?

This is one of the world’s most simple, complete and popular safety training and induction training tools (thousands sold and used every day). All packaged with a heap of training PDFs and supplementary videos. Download it at the above payment page immediately and have a thorough and easy to use training plan in 5 minutes’ time if you need it.

What are the 10 commandments of workplace safety?

This safety video is called “The 10 Commandments of Workplace Safety” – it features many current WorkSafe/WorkCover themes (e.g. keep talking the safety talk, it doesn’t hurt to speak up, the most important reason for workplace safety isn’t at work at all).

Are there any funny videos about occupational safety?

Occupational safety is an extremely serious topic to cover and train. There’s no short-cutting when it comes to safety at work or at home for that matter. Unfortunately, training classes and videos can also be extremely boring and dry when presented to employees.

Why is it important to make a funny safety video?

Making it fun helps engage those who would otherwise tune out the content. Instead, a funny video might allow them to participate and absorb the information. They might not even realize they are learning something, but when the moment arises, the information will be there for them to recall.

What do you need to know about personal protective equipment?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is paramount to proper safety techniques in manufacturing, construction, or industrial facilities. This PPE guide illustrates PPE symbols and requirements. Make sure all employees are familiar with required PPE in their areas.