What is a Grade 3 AC separation?

What is a Grade 3 AC separation?

Grade III- The most severe shoulder separation. This completely tears both the AC and CC ligaments and puts the AC joint noticeably out of position, with a larger bump.

Does Grade 4 AC separation require surgery?

Surgery is usually not required. Grade 4—Defined as a significant posterior displacement, occuring when the clavicle is severely displaced backwards.

What is a Grade 1 AC separation?

Grade I – A slight displacement of the joint. The acromioclavicular ligament may be stretched or partially torn. This is the most common type of injury to the AC joint. Grade II – A partial dislocation of the joint in which there may be some displacement that may not be obvious during a physical examination.

Does a Grade 5 AC separation require surgery?

Severe AC Joint Separation This severity of injury is very uncomfortable for most patients and requires surgery to stabilize the joint in almost all cases. There is no effective non-operative treatment as the downward force of gravity ensures that there can be no possibility of reducing the joint back into position.

Do AC ligaments grow back?

Or the ligaments that support your AC joint may be repaired. A ligament from another part of your body may be used to repair it. Your end result may also depend on the severity of your injury. Most people will get back all or almost all normal arm and shoulder function, but a slight deformity may remain.

How do you sleep with AC separation?

Do not sleep on the ice pack because you can get frostbite. Caregivers may put a clavicle strap around your shoulders to keep the collarbone in the right position. Or you may need to use a figure-of-8 bandage or sling to hold the bone together. Wear the strap or sling constantly for 6 to 8 weeks, even during sleep.

What is a Grade 4 AC separation?

A grade 4 AC separation occurs when the clavicle is severely displaced posteriorly. It is defined as “significant” posterior displacement. The grade separation definition does not have any quantifiable distance as it is determined simply by the impression of the clinician.

Will the bump from an AC separation go away?

The ligaments heal in this position, so the bump does not go away. It is possible to have surgery to correct the bump. But normal shoulder function will usually return even without surgery.

How long does it take for AC ligament to heal?

Most patients with AC joint injuries will start to feel better within a few days or a week of the injury—but it can take at least six weeks for the AC ligaments to fully heal. During that time, it’s crucial to take the pressure off of the AC joint to protect from overstretching the immature scar tissue.

What are the types of AC separation?

There are several types of acromioclavicular (AC) separations. Low grade injuries (Type I and II) involve limited injury to the AC joint only and should be managed conservatively. In contrast, high grade injuries (Type IV, V, and VI) involve injury to the AC joint,…

What are symptoms of AC separation?

The symptoms of an AC separation vary, according to the severity of the condition. Symptoms can include: Pain at the top of the shoulder, especially when moving the arm overhead, or while sleeping on the injured shoulder. The appearance of a bump on top of the shoulder blade. Weakness or instability in the arm or shoulder.

What does AC separation mean?

AC Separation (“Shoulder Separation”) Definition. An acromioclavicular (AC) joint separation is when the clavicle (collar bone) separates or dislocates from the acromion.

What is AC joint separation?

AC Joint Separation/Sprain. An AC joint separation, or AC joint sprain, is an injury to the ligaments which hold the acromioclavicular joint together at the top of the shoulder.