What do the symbols of a fish and a chisel mean on the palette of Narmer?

What do the symbols of a fish and a chisel mean on the palette of Narmer?

The frontal bull heads are likely connected to a sky goddess known as Bat and are related to heaven and the horizon. The name of the king, written hieroglyphically as a catfish and a chisel, is contained within a squared element that represents a palace facade.

What is shown on the Narmer Palette?

The Narmer Palette (also known as Narmer’s Victory Palette and the Great Hierakonpolis Palette) is an Egyptian ceremonial engraving, a little over two feet (64 cm) tall and shaped like a chevron shield, depicting the First Dynasty king Narmer conquering his enemies and uniting Upper and Lower Egypt.

Why is the palette of King Narmer unique?

The palette of King Narmer is unique among surviving Egyptian artwork because it is important not only as a document marking the transition from the prehistorical to the historical period in ancient Egypt but also as a kind of early blueprint of the formula for figure representation that characterized most Egyptian art …

Where was Narmer Palette found?

The “Main Deposit” at Hierakonpolis, where the Narmer Palette was discovered, contained many hundreds of objects, including a number of large relief-covered ceremonial mace-heads, ivory statuettes, carved knife handles, figurines of scorpions and other animals, stone vessels, and a second elaborately decorated palette …

What was the palette used for?

What was the palette used for? The object itself is a monumental version of a type of daily use item commonly found in the Predynastic period—palettes were generally flat, minimally decorated stone objects used for grinding and mixing minerals for cosmetics.

What do the two cow heads on the top of the palette of King Narmer symbolize?

At the top of both sides are the central serekhs bearing the rebus symbols n’r (catfish) and mr (chisel) inside, being the phonetic representation of Narmer’s name. The serekh on each side are flanked by a pair of bovine heads with highly curved horns, thought to represent the cow goddess Bat.

Why is narmer important?

Narmer (Mernar) was a ruler of Ancient Egypt at the end of the Predynastic Period and the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period. He is often credited with uniting Egypt and becoming the first king of Upper and Lower Egypt. There is some direct evidence for this from near contemporary sources.

Who carved the Narmer Palette?

The Palette, which has survived five millennia in almost perfect condition, was discovered by British archeologists James E. Quibell and Frederick W. Green, in what they called the Main Deposit in the Temple of Horus at Nekhen, during the dig season of 1897–98….

Narmer Palette
Identification CG 14716

What God did pharaoh worship?

…traditional Egyptian religion, the ruling pharaoh was an incarnation of Horus (the sun-god), his mother……

Why are the animals in the Narmer Palette Bulls?

It is, however, equally possible that the animals are bulls and that they refer to the bull-like vigour of the king, a symbolism that occurs in the scene at the bottom of the palette front as well. Most of the palette’s back side is decorated with a scene showing the king about to strike down a foe, whom he grabs by the hair.

Who are the two goddesses on the Narmer Palette?

Iconography of the Narmer Palette. Carved into the top scrolls on both sides of Narmer’s palette are cows with human faces, sometimes interpreted as the goddesses Bat and Hathor. Between the two is a serekh, a rectangular box containing hieroglyphs of the main protagonist, Narmer.

What was the purpose of the Narmer Palette?

The Narmer Palette is a ceremonial engraving depicting the first dynasty king Narmer (Menes) defeating his enemies and uniting Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom. It also acts as a perfect example of the primitive artistic design of the 31st century BC.

What did Narmer do in The War of the Worlds?

On the verso side of the palette, Narmer is portrayed wearing the red wicker war crown of upper Egypt which indicated that lower Egypt has fallen under his control. The largest engravings on the palette are two men interweaving the serpentine necks of unknown beasts called serpopards, this section of the palette is highly mysterious.