What are treatment goals for ADHD?

What are treatment goals for ADHD?

The primary goal of an ADHD management plan is to control the core symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. A multimodal management plan that incorporates a variety of strategies may work best for many patients with ADHD.

How do you write a goal and objective for a treatment plan?

2. Set SMART Goals

  1. Specific: Objectives need to be clear and specific, not general or vague.
  2. Measurable: Objectives need specific times, amounts or dates for completion so you and your patients can measure their progress.
  3. Attainable: Encourage patients to set goals and objectives they can meet.

What is a smart goal for ADHD?

A great way to help your ADHD child set goals with the greatest chance for success is to make sure the goals pass the “SMART” test created by ADHD And You. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

What are goals in a treatment plan?

Treatment goals: Goals are the building blocks of the treatment plan. They are designed to be specific, realistic, and tailored to the needs of the person in therapy. The language should also meet the person on their level.

What are treatment goals examples?

Examples of goals include: The patient will learn to cope with negative feelings without using substances. The patient will learn how to build positive communication skills. The patient will learn how to express anger towards their spouse in a healthy way.

How do you set goals for ADHD?

How to Set Goals

  1. Write out the goal.
  2. Write out the purpose of the goal – understanding the “why” is especially important to increase motivation in individuals with ADHD.
  3. Write out one action step – what’s one small task you can do today that would bring you closer to your goal?

What are some interventions for ADHD?

Adult ADHD may be treated with one or more of the following:

  • Individual cognitive and behavioral therapy to change negative thought patterns and enhance self-esteem.
  • Relaxation training and stress management to reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Behavioral coaching to teach strategies for organizing home and work activities.

What is the first line of treatment for ADHD?

Regarding medication for ADHD, stimulants are the first-line therapy and probably the most effective treatment. All stimulants have similar efficacy but differ by dosing, duration of action, and adverse effect profiles in individual patients.