How do you convert coordinates to grid references?

How do you convert coordinates to grid references?

To convert a National Grid Reference to Eastings and Northings:

  1. Remove the two letters at the beginning of the reference: e.g. NS1234 becomes 1234.
  2. Split the reference into it’s East and North components: e.g. 12 East and 34 North.
  3. Work out the numerical reference for the two letters: e.g. NS = 200km East and 600km North.

How is grid reference calculated?

First, find the four-figure grid reference but leave a space after the first two digits. Estimate or measure how many tenths across the grid square your symbol lies. Write this number after the first two digits. Next, estimate how many tenths up the grid square your symbol lies.

How do you convert lat long to UTM coordinates?


  1. You can press ENTER to calculate UTM in the lat long input box.
  2. If you click on the UTM easting and UTM northing input box, it will auto select the value.
  3. You can also get the lat long and the UTM values by clicking on the map.

How accurate is a six figure grid reference?

Six figure grid references are commonly used for topographic maps with a scale of 1:50,000. On a 6-figure grid reference the last digit refers to a tenth of the distance between the 1km grid reference lines, so the reference is only accurate to within 100 metres.

What are Eastings and Northings measured in?

If UTM ticks are shown on a USGS topographic map, the zone is indicated in the credit legend in the lower left corner of the map collar. Within each zone, coordinates are measured as northings and eastings in meters. The northing values are measured from zero at the equator in a northerly direction.

How do I convert lat long to XY coordinates?

Assign the values of the coordinates to x, y and z. Assume the value 6371 km to the variable R, which is the approximate radius of earth. This value is the scientifically derived value for radius of the earth. Calculate latitude and longitude using the formula: latitude = asin (z/R) and longitude = atan2 (y,x).

How do you convert latitude and longitude to distance?

First, convert the latitude and longitude values from decimal degrees to radians. For this divide the values of longitude and latitude of both the points by 180/pi. The value of pi is 22/7. The value of 180/pi is approximately 57.29577951.

How do you find a 6-figure grid reference?

After writing three digits of eastings, write two digit of the last northings and then from the bottom of the last northing, measure the distance to the object with a ruler in mm. Then divide that resultant distance by 2. This will give you the sixth number of the grid.

How do you get a six figure grid reference on Google Maps?

Google Maps

  1. Click “Grid Reference Tools” and choose “Get Grid Reference from Map”. By clicking on the desired location, the 6-figure Grid reference will be shown.
  2. Click “Location Search Tools” and enter a place name (this does not work with post codes). The map will centre on the place name, if found.

How do you find address using latitude and longitude?

Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point you want to find an address for in the appropriate fields. Click the “Determine Address,” “Go” or “Load” button to display the latitude and longitude of the address.

How do you calculate longitude and latitude?

Calculate latitude and longitude using the formula: latitude = asin (z/R) and longitude = atan2 (y,x). In this formula, we have the values of x, y, z and R from step 2.

What is latitude and longitude grid?

Latitude and longitude comprises a grid system of lines encircling the globe and is used to determine the locations of points on the earth. Lines of latitude, also called parallels, run east – west. Latitude lines always run parallel to each other, and hence, they are always an equal distance apart.

How do you get grid coordinates?

In the upper menu bar, click View Grid. Ctrl + n (Windows) or ⌘+ L (Mac). The grid lines are marked with general coordinates. Exact longitude and latitude readings are in the lower right corner.