How do I know if I tore a ligament in my thumb?

How do I know if I tore a ligament in my thumb?


  1. Pain and severe swelling on the inner part of the thumb immediately after the injury.
  2. Pain and severe swelling on the base of the thumb immediately, or shortly after the injury.
  3. Weakness and instability during grasp or writing.
  4. Loss of motion when attempting to move the thumb circular.

When should you go to the doctor for a thumb injury?

A sprained thumb weakens your ability to grasp items between your thumb and index finger. There may or may not be pain right away. Other symptoms include bruising, tenderness, and swelling. See a doctor as soon as possible to ensure that the injury will not cause long-term weakness, pain, and instability.

Does a broken thumb swell and bruise?

Within about 5-10 minutes of breaking your finger, you may notice bruising, swelling and possibly redness. As the swelling continues, it will become difficult to move the finger as it will become stiff.

How do you tell if a thumb is broken or sprained?

They often include:

  1. Pain and discomfort at the base of the thumb.
  2. Bruising at the base of the thumb.
  3. Swelling at the base of the thumb.
  4. Stiffness.
  5. Tenderness of the thumb, towards the palm of your hand.
  6. If the ligament is completely torn, the end of the torn ligament may cause a lump on the thumb.

Can a torn thumb ligament heal itself?

A torn ligament cannot fully heal itself. Surgery for the thumb collateral ligaments is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you will probably go home the same day as the surgery.

Can you still move your thumb if it’s dislocated?

People who suspect they have dislocated their finger should seek immediate medical attention. While waiting for help or heading to a clinic, it is important not to move the damaged finger or thumb. Applying ice to the finger may help to reduce pain and swelling.

How do you treat a swollen thumb?

Treating thumb swelling

  1. Apply heat and cold to help alleviate swelling caused by mild thumb injuries and arthritis.
  2. Change your diet.
  3. Soak your thumb in a warm or cool Epsom salt bath for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Rest your thumb if you have a mild injury.

Do you need a cast for a fractured thumb?

Treatment for a thumb fracture depends on where the break has occurred. For example, a break in the base of the thumb often requires surgery. This is because a doctor may have difficulty applying a splint or cast to the thumb. A splint or cast ensures that the thumb is in the right place to heal correctly.

Is my finger broken or just swollen?

Whenever you injure your finger, you may feel pain, swelling or stiffness when trying to move the affected digit. However, there are a few particularly telltale signs that point to a fracture: The fracture site is very swollen. The affected finger appears unnatural or deformed.

Can you move your thumb if it’s dislocated?

How do you fix a torn thumb ligament?

If the ligament is only partially torn, your doctor will probably immobilize your thumb joint with a bandage, cast, or splint until it heals. To ease pain and swelling, you can place an ice pack on your thumb twice a day for 2 to 3 days after the injury.

How can I treat a bruised thumb?

Apply ice to reduce any swelling during the first 24 hours. Keep the hand or foot elevated above heart level to reduce the throbbing and pain. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help manage the pain. If the pain is extreme, a doctor may recommend draining the blood from beneath the nail to relieve the pressure.

What are the common causes of thumb swelling?

Arthritis is one of the most common causes of thumb swelling. Osteoarthritis can occur in the thumb for a variety of reasons, ranging from normal wear and tear to overuse of the basal joint, which is just above the wrist and is responsible for thumb movement.

Why is my Thumb bruised?

A localized bruising, swelling and pain in thumb can be due to infection, bleeding blood vessels, injury, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis or inflammation of the lining of joints, arthritis or due to tendonitis. You need non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, along with something to bring down the swelling.

What causes a swollen thumb joint?

Infection in the thumb can also cause swelling and pain and redness. Arthritis or gout can be one of the causes of inflamed thumb. Excessive overuse of the thumb can also cause pain and swelling in the thumb joint.