Can we do database testing using JMeter?

Can we do database testing using JMeter?

JMeter creates a database connection pool with the configuration settings as specified in the Control Panel. The pool is referred to in JDBC Requests in the ‘Variable Name’ field. Several different JDBC Configuration elements can be used, but they must have unique names.

How do I run a test plan in JMeter?

jMeter – Web Test Plan

  1. Start JMeter. Open the JMeter window by clicking on /home/manisha/apache-jmeter-2.9/bin/
  2. Rename the Test Plan. Change the name of test plan node to Sample Test in the Name text box.
  3. Add Thread Group.
  4. Add Sampler.
  5. Add Listener.
  6. Run the Test Plan.
  7. View the Output.

What database does JMeter support?

jdbc:mysql:// – the unchanged sequence used in JMeter when specifying the MySQL database address. localhost:3306/ – the IP address and port that makes the database available. Since in the given example we use a database that is installed on a local PC, we use the IP address and port, configured while installing MySQL.

What is database test plan?

What is Database Testing? Database Testing is a type of software testing that checks the schema, tables, triggers, etc. of the Database under test. It also checks data integrity and consistency. It may involve creating complex queries to load/stress test the Database and check its responsiveness.

How do you manually test a database?

How to Test the Database (Step-by-step Process)

  1. Step #1) Prepare the environment.
  2. Step #2) Run a test.
  3. Step #3) Check test result.
  4. Step #4) Validate according to the expected results.
  5. Step #5) Report the findings to the respective stakeholders.

How do you load test a database?

You simply input the database, pool details, and then define the SQL query that you’d like to test. The results from the test can be run as part of a CI process and published in the same way as any other JMeter performance test. SoapUI and ReadyAPI provide similar functionality that’s especially well-suited for APIs.

How do I hit API in JMeter?

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  1. Go back to the browser.
  2. Click on the PUT request.
  3. Open the requests in the new tab.
  4. Copy the URL.
  5. Come back to the JMeter window.
  6. Make a new HTTP request like the previous two times.
  7. Rename this HTTP request as Put API.
  8. Paste the URL in the server name or IP box.

How do I know if my JDBC connection is successful?

Testing JDBC Connections

  1. Start DataDirect Test as a Java application or applet.
  2. From the DataDirect Test Welcome window, click the Press Here To Continue button.
  3. Select Driver / Register Driver.
  4. In the Please Supply a Driver URL field, make sure that the following driver is specified; then, click OK.

What is JDBC and JDBC drivers?

A JDBC driver uses the JDBC™ (Java Database Connectivity) API developed by Sun Microsystems, now part of Oracle, that provides a standard way to access data using the Java™ programming language. Using JDBC, an application can access a variety of databases and run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine.

What does test plan include?

A test plan includes a product description, objectives, testing strategies, scope, schedule, procedures, testing resources, and deliverables. Test plans are essential in the development of software as they outline what testing needs doing to ensure the software is up to standard and is working exactly how it should.

How to create a test plan for JMeter?

To use this driver, its containing .jar file (ex. mysql-connector-java-X.X.X-bin.jar) must be copied to the JMeter ./lib directory (see JMeter’s Classpath for more details). The first step you want to do with every JMeter Test Plan is to add a Thread Group element.

How to create a database in JMeter 2.9?

Create a database with name “tutorial”. Create a table tutorials_tbl. Copy the appropriate JDBC driver to /home/manisha/apache-jmeter-2.9/lib. Let us start the JMeter from /home/manisha/apache-jmeter-2.9/bin/ Right-click on Test Plan. Select Add → Threads (Users) → Thread Group. Thus, thread group gets added under the Test Plan node.

How to test database performance with Apache JMeter?

Let’s perform database load testing to measure the performance of a database using Apache JMeter by configuring MySQL JDBC driver. A test plan describes a series of steps to be executed by JMeter on running a database test. To construct a test plan, the following elements are needed: Thread group.

How to add a threadgroup in Apache JMeter?

Go ahead and add the ThreadGroup element by first selecting the Test Plan, clicking your right mouse button to get the Add menu, and then select Add → ThreadGroup. You should now see the Thread Group element under Test Plan. If you do not see the element, then expand the Test Plan tree by clicking on the Test Plan element.