When was the Cornaro Chapel built?

When was the Cornaro Chapel built?

Maria della Vittoria’s most acclaimed feature is the Cornaro Chapel, commissioned by the Venetian Cardinal Francesco Cornaro in 1645 and completed in 1652. Designed and executed by Gianlorenzo Bernini, the private chapel epitomizes the Baroque conceptual trends of the concetto and bel composto.

What is the subject depicted here in the Cornaro Chapel?

This sculpture depicts one of the visions of Saint Teresa of Avila. She believed that a spirit sent by God came to her in a vision and pierced her with a flaming arrow, which in turn filled her with a deep, pleasurable pain that she equated with the love of God.

Who is the greatest sculpture of the Baroque period?

Ecstasy of St. Theresa by Bernini: Bernini was the most prominent sculptor of the Baroque period.

Where is the Cornaro Chapel located?

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa/Locations

What is bel composto?

Abstract. Skilled in a variety of arts, Gian Lorenzo Bernini incorporated his knowledge of theater to perfect the Baroque concept of the bel composto, meaning the beautiful whole or the effortless and harmonious synthesis of the arts of sculpture, architecture and painting.

Where is the Cornaro chapel located?

What is Antonine Baroque style?

Commodus chose this style because his father Marcus Aurelius, also chose it. This style is idealised and Commodus had used it to show his power and his ‘god-like’ qualities, but it in reality it relfected his arrogance and delusional personality.

Who created the baroque style?

The principal architects of the style included François Mansart (Chateau de Balleroy, 1626–1636), Pierre Le Muet (Church of Val-de-Grace, 1645–1665), Louis Le Vau (Vaux-le-Vicomte, 1657–1661) and especially Jules Hardouin Mansart and Robert de Cotte, whose work included the Galerie des Glaces and the Grand Trianon at …

Which work shows a Transverberation?

The famous representation of the Transverberation of St Teresa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in the Carmelite church of Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome belongs to the best-known sculptures of the European tradition.