What is antiport symport and uniport?

What is antiport symport and uniport?

The main difference between uniport, symport, and antiport is that uniport moves molecules across the membrane independent of other molecules, and symport moves two types of molecules in the same direction, but antiport moves two types of molecules in opposite directions.

What are symporters and antiporters?

Uniporters, symporters, and antiporters are proteins that are used in ​transport​ of substances across a cell membrane. Antiporters transport molecules in opposite directions, while symporters transport molecules in the same direction.

What is UniProt database?

UniProt is a freely accessible database of protein sequence and functional information, many entries being derived from genome sequencing projects. It contains a large amount of information about the biological function of proteins derived from the research literature.

What is antiport transport?

The antiport (exchange), which involves transport of a solute from one side in exchange for a second solute from the opposite side of the membrane, and. iii. The symport (cotransport), which involves transport of two solutes in the same direction across the membrane.

What is an example of symport?

Examples of symporters are the family of sulfate transporters that mediate transport of SO4–2 by using the electrochemical gradient of protons (Cherest et al., 1997) and the Pho family of phosphate transporters that also use the proton gradient as a driven force for translocation of phosphate ions in a symport manner ( …

What is an example of uniport?

An example of a uniporter is the glucose transporter (GLUT) in found in erythrocytes (referred to as GLUT1 to separate from other mammalian glucose transporters). Once inside the cell the glucose is quickly phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate by the enzyme, hexokinase, to prevent it from diffusing out.

What is difference between antiport and symport?

Symport: Movement of two molecules in the same direction through a protein channel is known as symport. Antiport: Movement of two molecules in the opposite direction through a protein channel is known as antiport.

Why do we need UniProt?

It provides an up-to-date, comprehensive body of protein information at a single site. It aids scientific discovery by collecting, interpreting and organising this information so that it is easy to access and use. It saves researchers countless hours of work in monitoring and collecting this information themselves.

What are the features of UniProt?


  • High-quality annotation.
  • Manual annotation by curators based on literature and sequence analysis.
  • Automatic classification and annotation.
  • High-quality Automated and Manual Annotation of microbial Proteomes (HAMAP)
  • Standardized nomenclature and controlled vocabularies.

What is the example of antiport?

Prokaryotic organisms contain antiporter families such as NhaA, NhaB, NhaC, NhaD, NhaP, along with NapA. The most prominent functions, including pH regulation, are completed by Na+/H+ antiporter family NhaA in prokaryotes like Escherichia coli.

Does symport and antiport require ATP?

There are three types of these proteins or transporters: uniporters, symporters, and antiporters. A uniporter carries one specific ion or molecule. These three types of carrier proteins are also found in facilitated diffusion, but they do not require ATP to work in that process.

What is the meaning of symport?

[ sĭm′pôrt′ ] n. The transport of two different molecules or ions in the same direction through a membrane using a common carrier mechanism.

What is the role of uniport symport and antiport?

In brief, uniport, symport, and antiport are the three types of integral membrane proteins, which participate in moving molecules across the cell membrane. Specifically, they take part in active transport in which molecules move against the concentration gradient by using energy.

How are symporters and antiporters the same?

Symporters simultaneously transport two different molecules in the same direction across the cell membrane. Antiporters simultaneously transport two different molecules in opposite directions across the cell membrane. This is the difference between symport and antiport. References: 1. “Structural Biochemistry/Membrane Proteins.”

What’s the difference between uniport and symport proteins?

1 Definition. Uniport refers to an integral membrane protein, which transports a single type of substrate species across the cell membrane. 2 Types of Molecules to be Transported. 3 The Direction of the Movement. 4 Types of Transporter Proteins. 5 Type of Active Transport. 6 Driving Force. 7 Examples. 8 Conclusion.

How does the uniport symport work in neurons?

Usually, a uniport works by binding to one molecule of the substrate at a time while the opening of the channels may occur in response to a stimulus and allow the free flow of specific molecules. Importantly, uniports participate in biological processes such as transmitting action potentials in neurons.