What is a good place to start in the Bible for beginners?

What is a good place to start in the Bible for beginners?

Reading the Bible is the number one way I recommend people start seeking to hear God speak. If you’ve met God and are ready to go deeper, hear Him speak & interact with Him on a daily level then Scripture is the best place to start. Sometimes we want God to speak to us individually and verbally.

Do you start from the beginning when reading the Bible?

Unlike most books, don’t start at the beginning The Bible (all of it!) is the Word of God, and every word is holy. Plus, unlike typical books, you don’t have to read the Bible from cover to cover to get started. Honestly, you don’t even have to start at the beginning!

Where do I start when I am new to the Bible?

Tip: Over the years, I’ve found that the best place in the Bible to start reading for many people is either the book of Genesis or the book of Mark. Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament and the first book of the Bible.

What does God say at the beginning?

Let there be light
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Should you read the Bible in order?

Most people should not read the Bible in order. It is better to start with the books that give an effective overview of the main message of the Bible. This works best for most people because the books of the Bible are not all arranged in the actual order of events.

How can I get closer to God?


  1. Get quiet.
  2. Read your bible.
  3. Write out your prayers in a dedicated notebook; these can be for others or yourself.
  4. Go for a walk and talk with God.
  5. Meditate on Scripture.
  6. Put on some worship music and immerse yourself in the melody and lyrics.
  7. Marvel at the world God has created.

What is the order of creation?

the first day – light was created. the second day – the sky was created. the third day – dry land, seas, plants and trees were created. the fourth day – the Sun, Moon and stars were created.

What did God create first?

Genesis 1–2 tells the story of God’s creation of the world. On the first day, God created light in the darkness. On the second, He created the sky. Dry land and plants were created on the third day.