The review discovered that over 1200 students sat the MLAT that year. From this population, the scores ranged from 14 to 163 with the median being 113. The MLAT uses a paper-based booklet, practice answer sheet and exam sheet. The booklet contains all the test questions as well as explanations of test sections.

What does the MLAT measure?

The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) measures an individual’s aptitude for learning a foreign language. First published in 1959, the test can be used to predict success in learning all basic communication skills, but particularly speaking and listening.

Who developed modern language aptitude test?

John B. Carroll
Development. John B. Carroll and Stanley Sapon are responsible for the development of the MLAT. They designed the test as part of a five-year research study at Harvard University between 1953 and 1958.

What is my language learning aptitude?

Language learning aptitude refers to the “prediction of how well, relative to other individuals, an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of time and under given conditions”. As with many measures of aptitude, language learning aptitude is thought to be relatively stable once a person matures.

What is foreign language aptitude?

Foreign language (FL) aptitude generally refers to a specific talent for learning a foreign or second language (L2). In addition, it is argued that issues of domain-specificity versus domain-generality for aptitude tests may lead to aptitude theory and research becoming more central in applied linguistics.

What is an example of an aptitude?

Aptitudes are natural talents, special abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things easily and quickly. Musical talent and artistic talent are examples of such aptitudes. Some people can paint beautifully but cannot carry a tune. Others are good at talking to people but slow at paperwork.

What is basic aptitude?

The Basic Aptitude Test is a measure of the innate intelligence of an individual. It shows the ability of a candidate to learn, adapt, understand and solve problems. It also indicates the ability to retain, organize and apply information. This test is specially designed to check Basic Aptitude skills of a candidate.

When was the modern language aptitude test created?

The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) measures an individual’s aptitude for learning a foreign language. First published in 1959, the test can be used to predict success in learning all basic communication skills, but particularly speaking and listening.

What was the purpose of the modern language test?

Modern Language Aptitude Test. The Modern Language Aptitude Test was designed to predict a student’s likelihood of success and ease in learning a foreign language. The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) was developed to measure foreign language learning aptitude.

What should I do with my language aptitude test?

Take a look at where you did less well on the test; this will show you what you need to work on to make learning your first foreign language that much easier. It will also help you decide what sort of language course will help you most with your studies. Excellent.

What does MLAT stand for in language aptitude test?

According to John Carroll and Stanley Sapon, the authors of the MLAT, language learning aptitude does refer to the “prediction of how well, relative to other individuals, an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of time and under given conditions.”