What is a command and examples?

What is a command and examples?

The definition of a command is an order or the authority to command. An example of command is a dog owner telling their dog to sit. An example of command is the job of controlling a group of military people. To direct with authority; give orders to.

What is Command statement?

A command is a sentence that tells somebody to do something. It usually starts with a verb (an action or doing word) and can end with a full stop or an exclamation mark.

What is an example of a command verb?

Do your homework. Take the dog for a walk, please. Don’t touch that! Do come to visit us whenever you’re in town.

How do you write a command sentence?

Command sentences tell us to do something. Like all sentences, they always start with a capital letter. Command sentences usually end with a full stop, but they can also use exclamation marks too. Commands usually start with an imperative verb, also known as a bossy verb.

What’s a command word?

Command words are the words and phrases used in exams and other assessment tasks that tell students how they should answer the question.

What are command words called?

Command words are made up of what we call ‘imperative verbs’. These are also known as ‘bossy verbs’, as they order someone to do something. For example, “Eat your dinner” is a command sentence, and uses the imperative verb eat. When an imperative verb is used in a sentence we refer to that sentence as an imperative.

What are the command words?

What type of sentence is a command?

imperative sentence
An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. Most imperative sentences end with a period. A strong command ends with an exclamation point. An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark.

What words are commands?

Command Words

Command Word Meaning
assess decide the value of; judge; measure the importance of
compare discuss two or more things in terms of their similarities and differences
critically evaluate weigh arguments for and against something; assess all evidence; decide which opinions, theories, models or items are preferable.

How do you use commands in Word?

How to Use the Go To Command in Word 2016

  1. Click the Home tab.
  2. In the Editing group, choose the Go To command. The Find and Replace dialog box appears with the Go To tab forward, as shown here.
  3. And now the shortcut: Press Ctrl+G to quickly summon the Find and Replace dialog box’s Go To tab.