What city zip code is 85002?

What city zip code is 85002?


Why is Arizona zip code?

Why/Zip codes

What is the zip code for Maricopa Arizona?

Maricopa/Zip codes

What is the zip code for Utah?

Zip Code List County – Salt Lake County, Utah

Zip Code City County
84104 Salt Lake City Salt Lake County
84105 Salt Lake City Salt Lake County
84106 Salt Lake City Salt Lake County
84107 Murray Salt Lake County

What is Pima AZ ZIP code?

Pima/Zip codes

What county is Maricopa Arizona in?

Pinal County

Where is 84198 located?

Kirnaičiai, Lithuania

What’s the area code for Utah?

Area code 801
Area code 435
Utah/Area codes
801: The original area code for the entirety of Utah; established in 1947. As of 2020, it includes the four counties of the Wasatch Front (Salt Lake, Utah, Davis, Weber) and Morgan County. 435: Split from 801 in 1997, encompassing all other counties in the state.

Is there any demographic information available for ZIP code 85002?

There is no demographic data available for this type of ZIP Code. However, ZIP Code 85002 is contained within ZIP Code 85004 and perhaps demographic information for this ZIP Code would be of interest to you: ZIP Code 85004 Demographic Information . Popularity rankings are based on positive reviews, search queries, and other user data.

What is the ZIP code for Phoenix AZ?

Zip Code 85002, Phoenix, AZ. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database.

What is the current unemployment level in 85002?

The current unemployment level in 85002 is 7.1% which is higher than the current county unemployment level of 4.9% and is lower than the current state unemployment at 7.3% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 5.4%.