How do you treat a sprained LCL?

How do you treat a sprained LCL?

To treat an LCL sprain, people can try the following treatments:

  1. Rest the knee. A doctor or physical therapist may recommend resting the injured leg as much as possible, especially in the days following the sprain.
  2. Apply ice.
  3. Try medication.
  4. Use a knee support.
  5. Try physical therapy.
  6. Surgery.

How do you heal a sprained LCL fast?

What are the treatments for LCL injuries?

  1. splinting.
  2. applying ice.
  3. elevating the knee above the heart.
  4. taking a pain reliever.
  5. limiting physical activity until the pain and swelling are gone.
  6. using a brace (knee immobilizer) or crutches to protect the knee.

How long does it take for a sprained LCL to heal?

For severe Grade III MCL and LCL sprains, doctors may perform surgery to repair the torn knee ligaments. Recovery time for an MCL or LCL sprain is usually between four to six weeks.

Can you still walk with a torn LCL?

You’ll probably also do aerobic exercise, like walking, and wear a knee brace at first. If your LCL tore all the way through, you may need to have surgery to repair it.

What are 4 symptoms of a LCL injury?

Symptoms of LCL injuries include:

  • Mild or severe pain.
  • Instability or buckling of the knee.
  • Swelling along the exterior of the knee.
  • Tenderness along the exterior of the knee.
  • Numbness or weakness in the foot.
  • Locking and catching sensations within the knee joint.

How do you tell if you sprained your LCL?

With an LCL sprain or injury, you may feel:

  1. Swelling on the outside of the knee.
  2. Pain on the outside of the knee.
  3. Tenderness on the outside of the knee.
  4. A feeling that the knee is locking, catching, buckling, or giving way during movement.

Can LCL heal without surgery?

The good news for LCL injury patients is that the majority of LCL injuries can be treated without surgery. There are numerous effective non-operative treatments that can address the issues and symptoms of LCL injuries. These include: RICE: Rest, icing, compression, and elevation.

How do you test for a torn LCL?

While most LCL tears can be diagnosed without medical imaging, a doctor may order an x-ray or MRI to rule out other possible injuries and to determine the severity of an LCL tear….Medical Imaging

  1. X-ray. An x-ray shows bones and can help determine if there is a fracture.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  3. Ultrasound.