How do you show reference planes in Revit?

How do you show reference planes in Revit?

Use the Line tool or the Pick Line tool to draw a reference plane.

  1. On the ribbon, click (Reference Plane). Architecture tab Work Plane panel (Reference Plane) Structure tab Work Plane panel (Reference Plane)
  2. To draw a line: On the Draw panel, click (Line).
  3. To pick an existing line: On the Draw panel, click (Pick Lines).

How do you change a reference plane in Revit?

Select a work plane-based element in a view. Click Modify | tab Work Plane panel (Edit Work Plane)….In the Work Plane dialog, select another work plane.

  1. Name—Choose an available work plane from the list, and click OK.
  2. Pick a plane—Revit creates a plane coincident to the selected plane.

How do you add a reference line in Revit?

In the Family Editor, click Create tab Datum panel (Reference Line). Using the drawing tools, sketch the line. The line displays as a solitary solid line until selected or when highlighted during preselection. When selected or highlighted, the associated planes display according to the active view.

Do reference planes print in Revit?

Reference planes, crop boundaries, and scope boxes are hidden for printing by default. Click Print (Print Setup). In the Print Setup dialog, select Hide ref/work planes.

How do you show reference planes?

Reference planes display in each plan view that you create for a model. Use the Line tool or the Pick Line tool to draw a reference plane. Name each reference plane so you can assign it to be the current work plane. Hide a selected reference plane or all reference planes in a view.

What is a reference plane Revit?

Reference planes are an integral part of family creation. Reference planes display in each plan view that you create for a model. Topics in this section. Add a Reference Plane. Use the Line tool or the Pick Line tool to draw a reference plane.

What are reference planes Revit?

Reference planes are an integral part of family creation. Reference planes display in each plan view that you create for a model. Use the Line tool or the Pick Line tool to draw a reference plane. Name each reference plane so you can assign it to be the current work plane.

How do I delete a reference plane in Revit?

The only way I’ve ever been able to get rid of them in your pull-down list of work-planes is to FIND the reference plane, pick it, then delete. It will automatically disappear from the list after this procedure.

What is reference line?

A reference line, also referred to as a base line, is a user-defined vertical or horizontal line in the graph. Use reference lines to compare, reference, or measure against the data values displayed in the graph. Reference lines are available if the X or Y axis contains a metric.

What is a reference plane in Revit?

How do you hide reference planes?

Hide the Reference Plane in the View

  1. Select one or more reference planes to hide.
  2. Right-click and click Hide in View Elements. To hide the selected annotations and all other annotations of the same category in the current view, click Hide in View Category.