Does API Algaefix work?

Does API Algaefix work?

Algaefix effectively controls green water algae blooms and keeps freshwater aquariums clean and clear. Weekly doses of Algaefix will control algae growth and reduce aquarium maintenance. Caution: Do not use Algaefix with crustaceans, including crabs, shrimp, freshwater shrimp and freshwater lobsters.

Is Algaefix safe for pets?

It is safe for any wildlife or domestic animals to take a drink or swim in treated water as long as the dosage is correct for the volume of water being treated.

How long does API Algaefix take to work?

I finally decided to try algaefix. First treatment yesterday and today I see that any of the green algae is going white and all the bubbles are starting to secrete some white slime stuff and the bubbles are deflating. I have read that most results are noticed around the 5 to 7 dose range. So about two weeks.

Can Algaefix kill fish?

Kills algea. Kills your fish if used wrong. I found using at 1/4th dosage diluting the dose in at least 1 gallon of water before adding to tank is best.

Can I use API Algaefix with snails?

We’d recommend API MARINE ALGAEFIX™ algae control, which will not harm fish, corals, snails, and other invertebrates.

Is API Algaefix safe for plants?

API ALGAEFIX algae control effectively controls many types of algae in aquariums and will not harm to your fish or plants when used as directed. Weekly doses will control algae growth and reduce aquarium maintenance.

Is algae toxic to cats?

Algae intoxications happen more during the summer because weather conditions promote the growth of cyanobacteria. These organisms are incredibly toxic and are known to cause poisoning in dogs, cats, livestock, wildlife, birds, fish and even humans.

Is API AlgaeFix safe for snails?

Is API AlgaeFix safe for plants?

Will API Algaefix kill plants?

ALGAEFIX™ API ALGAEFIX algae control effectively controls many types of algae in aquariums and will not harm to your fish or plants when used as directed. Weekly doses will control algae growth and reduce aquarium maintenance.

Will API Algaefix kill snails?

How does algaefix work in an ornamental pond?

AlgaeFix helps treat algae in ornamental ponds and fountains. EcoFix helps create a healthy ecosystem by making pond water clean and clear. – Easy-to-use water conditioner that effectively controls green water algae blooms, string or hair algae and blanketweed – Effective pond algae removal solution that helps to keep pond water clean and clear

Are there any API products that are safe for fish?

API ALGAEFIX algae control effectively controls many types of algae in aquariums and will not harm to your fish or plants when used as directed. You can use ALG… API® STRESS COAT water conditioner makes tap water safe for fish by removing chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals from tap water, and contains the healing po…

What can I use to remove algae from my pond?

Specifically developed for the maintenance of ponds, fountains and water gardens, PondCare AlgaeFix makes for an effective and simple solution for pond algae removal and control. As long as your pond or water garden is subjected to the sun and other natural outdoor elements, algae is bound to bloom.

What do you need to know about API Fishcare?

API® MELAFIX fish remedy is an all-natural antibacterial treatment that works to treat infections in fish. Common bacterial infections are open wounds and abra… The API® FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT measures the 4 most important levels in freshwater aquariums quickly and accurately, including pH, high range pH, ammonia,