Can we display Comp-3 variables Cobol?

Can we display Comp-3 variables Cobol?

In the below file, the last 2 Bytes are COMP-3 Data. You read the Hexa-decimal value in a top-down fashion. 3. You may also DISPLAY this in COBOL, by first MOVE’ing the data to a Numeric-Edited DISPLAY Format Variable.

How to define Comp3 in COBOL?

(also called “Computational-3”, “Packed Decimal”, or “Packed”) COBOL Comp-3 is a binary field type that puts (“packs”) two digits into each byte, using a notation called Binary Coded Decimal, or BCD. This halves the storage requirements compared to a character, or COBOL “display”, field.

Why do we use comp-3 in Cobol?

When you specify COMP-3 you are generally asking the compiler to implement any arithmetic operations as decimal arithmetic as opposed to using the binary arithmetic operations that are inherent in todays computers.

How Comp3 is stored?

COMP-3 data stored in memory higher to lower in the size of nibble (4 bits). i.e. The upper nibble stores the most significant digit and lower nibble stores the next digit and the upper nibble stores the next digit etc.

Can we redefine Comp-3 Variable?

You cannot move a COMP-3 variable to alphanumeric directly. It will not give a SOC7 error but will you give you a return code 12 stating that comp-3 and alphanumeric variables did not follow the move compatibility rule. 01 A1 PIC S9(4) COMP-3 VALUE 1234.

What is the difference between comp and comp3 in COBOL?

Comp is a binary usage, while comp-3 indicates packed decimal. The other common usages are binary and display. Display is the default. 3/28/00 Dave Herrmann: ‘I was reading your FAQ on Cobol, as an fyi Comp is defined as the fastest/preferred numeric data type for the machine it runs on.

Can Comp-3 be converted to numeric?

Can we move Comp to comp3 in COBOL?

1. it possible to move a comp-3 field to a comp field or display field and vice versa.. 2. it possible to redefine a field with comp-3 status to a comp status.

What is the difference between Comp and Comp-3?

Comp is a binary usage, while comp-3 indicates packed decimal. The other common usages are binary and display. Display is the default. IBM Mainframes are typically binary and AS400’s are packed.

What is an 88 level in COBOL?

88 level number in COBOL is one of the most used declarations in mainframes development and it is considered as a special level number which is used to improve the readability of COBOL programs. As it gives a name to a condition, it is also called as ‘Condition Names’.

What is the sign of a COBOL comp-3 field?

In COBOL comp-3 fields (and in most other languages) this nybble is reserved for the sign whether or not the field is denoted as a signed field in the COBOL PIC. Comp-3 packed fields are aligned on byte boundaries, and the field is always a whole number of bytes. The sign nybble is always the low nybble of the LSD (least significant digit).

Which is a packed decimal field in COBOL?

The COBOL “Comp-3” Data Type (also called “Computational-3”, “Packed Decimal”, or “Packed”) COBOL Comp-3 is a binary field type that puts (“packs”) two digits into each byte, using a notation called Binary Coded Decimal, or BCD. This halves the storage requirements compared to a character, or COBOL “display”, field. Comp-3 is a common data type,…

When to ignore the upper nybble in COBOL?

If the size of the field is specified as an even number of digits, as in “PIC S9 (6) comp-3.”, the upper nybble is ignored and is usually, but not always, set to zero. Comp-3 fields are denoted in COBOL with the “usage is” clause after the PIC, like this:

What are the two forms of internal representation in COBOL?

In COBOL, a programmer is allowed to specify the internal form of the data item so as to facilitate its use in the most efficient manner. There are only two general forms of internal representation namely COMPUTATIONAL and DISPLAY.