Can op-amp have current source?

Can op-amp have current source?

The output of an ideal opamp acts as an ideal voltage source. The output of the opamp should be able to output very large currents (to source) and (to sink) without the magnitude of the output current having any influence on the output voltage source. Note that with a real opamp the possible output current is limited.

What is current gain in op-amp?

Advanced Member level 5. The no-load or loaded voltage gain is Ai= Vo/Vi where Ai is the voltage gain not current gain. The current gain is only important for certain types of op amp configurations such as constant-current output circuits.

How do you find the current gain of an amplifier?

Current Gain (Δi) The current gain is obtained by dividing the output by the input current of the amplifier. Δi = Iout / Iin. For Example: We have an amplifier with a current gain of 500 (Δi = 500) and an input current is of 10 uA.

What is current mirror in op-amp?

Op-amp current mirror. Current mirrors have relatively high, sometimes nonlinear input impedance, so they must be fed by a current from a high-impedance current source (sometimes known as a stiff current source). An op amp is required if the input current must have a low-impedance sink.

Can an op-amp output negative current?

Connecting the output of an op-amp to its inverting (-) input is called negative feedback. The higher the op-amp differential gain, the closer that differential voltage will be to zero. Some op-amps cannot produce an output voltage equal to their supply voltage when saturated.

Why op amp has high gain?

Op amps need high input impedance because they are voltage-gain devices. In order for voltage to drop across the input, the impedance has to be very high, as ohm’s law states, V=IR. It’s also important to prevent the loading effect. If the impedance were small, the current draw would be high.

What is DC current gain?

The current gain for the common-base configuration is defined as the change in collector current divided by the change in emitter current when the base-to-collector voltage is constant. Typical common-base current gain in a well-designed bipolar transistor is very close to unity.

Why do op amps need negative voltage?

What the do care is that the signals it handles are within their voltage rails. So if your input or output has negative voltages then the opamp needs a negative voltage too. If your input and output are floating somewhere in the positive side, then you don’t need negative supplies.

How does an op amp affect a current source circuit?

Current Source Circuit. Since the output of the op amp is connected to the gate of the MOSFET, the voltage at the gate of the MOSFET changes if there are changes in the load current. If there is an increase in load current, the op amp outputs a higher voltage (remember this is a depletion-type MOSFET).

Which is the correct equation for op amp gain?

Hence the op amp gain equation for the voltage gain of the circuit Av can be taken as: A v = 1 + R2 R1. As an example, an amplifier requiring a gain of eleven could be built by making R 2 47 k ohms and R 1 4.7 k ohms. Op-amp gain is very easy to determine. The calculations for the different circuits is slightly different, but essentially both

Why does the output of OPA1 go up?

The load current flows in the sense resistor. If the voltage drop in the sense resistor due to the load current exceeds the drop across R1, the output of OPA1 will rise, overriding the voltage control in the brick, and limiting its output voltage to prevent the output current from exceeding the limit.

What are the ideal conditions for an op-amp?

A→∞ The other relevant conditions for an ideal op-amp are: 1. Ip=In=0 2. Ri=∞ 3. Ro=0 Ideal op-amp in a negative feedback configuration When an op-amp is arranged with a negative feedback the ideal rules are: 1. Ip=In=0 : input current constraint 2. Vn=Vp: input voltage constraint