What is procedure code 21086?
Prosthesis-Impression and Custom Preparation
CPT® 21086, Under Prosthesis-Impression and Custom Preparation. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 21086 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Prosthesis-Impression and Custom Preparation.
What is procedure code 99600?
CPT® 99600, Under Home Visit Services The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 99600 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Home Visit Services.
What is procedure code 01922?
01922. Anesthesia for non-invasive imaging or radiation therapy. 01924. Anesthesia for therapeutic interventional radiological procedures involving the arterial system, not otherwise specified.
What is procedure code 01630?
The requestor billed CPT code 01630-QZ defined as “Anesthesia for open or surgical arthroscopic procedures on humeral head and neck, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and shoulder joint; not otherwise specified.”
What is the CPT code for Maxillectomy?
CPT® Code 31225 in section: Maxillectomy.
Which code range should be used to report nasal polyp excisions?
When you look in the CPT at the code it says “Excision, nasal polyp(s) simple. Then in paraenthasis is says to report a bilateral procedure use modifier 50. The answer key justifies its answer of True by saying that code 30110 is a bilateral procedure.
Which modifier is used when reporting regional or general anesthesia provided by a physician also performing the service for which the anesthesia is being provided?
modifier 47
To report regional or general anesthesia provided by a physician also performing the services for which the anesthesia is being provided, see modifier 47 in Appendix A. Time for anesthesia procedures may be reported as is customary in the local area.
What is procedure code 64450?
Prior to 2020, this procedure was reported with CPT code 64450 – Injection, anesthetic agent; other peripheral nerve or branch (2019 Descriptor).
How do you code anesthesia codes?
CPT codes 00100-01860 specify “Anesthesia for” followed by a description of a surgical intervention. CPT codes 01916-01936 describe anesthesia for radiological procedures. Several CPT codes (01951-01999, excluding 01996) describe anesthesia services for burn excision / debridement, obstetrical, and other procedures.
What is the primary procedure code for 61782?
61782 Stereotactic computer-assisted (navigational) procedure; cranial, extradural. 61783 Stereotactic computer-assisted (navigational) procedure; spinal.