What is an example of conceit?

What is an example of conceit?

Conceits usually demand your attention because the comparison seems so farfetched. For example, “A broken heart is like a damaged clock.” The difference between a broken heart and a damaged clock is unconventional, but once you think about it, you can see the connection.

What does General conceit mean?

1a : favorable opinion especially : excessive appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue … the landlord’s conceit of his own superior knowledge … —

What’s the opposite of being conceited?

What is the opposite of conceited?

humble modest
reserved bashful
diffident timid
blushing respectful
shy uncomplacent

Who is incredibly conceited?

conceited Add to list Share. A conceited person has an inflated self-image and perceives himself as incredibly entertaining and wonderful. Talk incessantly about your accomplishments on the clarinet or amazing ability to wiggle your ears, and people are going to think you’re conceited.

What is metaphysical conceit and examples?

A metaphysical conceit is an extended metaphor that makes an outstretched comparison between a person’s spiritual faculties and a physical object in the world. Metaphysical poets such as John Donne and Andrew Marvell, among others, made use of metaphysical conceits to explore the relationships between lovers.

What is a great conceit?

an excessively favorable opinion of one’s own ability, importance, wit, etc. something that is conceived in the mind; a thought; idea: He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours.

What is a nicer word for conceited?

vain, narcissistic, pleased with oneself, self-loving, in love with oneself, self-admiring, self-regarding, self-centred, egotistic, egotistical, egoistic, egocentric, egomaniac. proud, arrogant, boastful, cocky, cocksure, full of oneself, above oneself, self-important, immodest, swaggering, strutting.

How do I stop myself from being conceited?

There are 10 key behaviours you should avoid so that you are never perceived as arrogant.

  1. Avoid name dropping.
  2. Do not be consistently late.
  3. Do not big note yourself.
  4. Confident people stand tall, arrogant people swagger and do not respect other people’s personal space.

Which is the best definition of a paradox?

A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic. That’s a simple definition of paradox. That’s a simple definition of paradox. Often premises can be proven false which rectifies the contradiction.

Is it bad to be around a conceited person?

Conceited people can be toxic to be around. It’s important to be able to spot a conceited person and know how to handle them as soon as possible – before it’s too late. Arrogant people tend to think that they are more worthy and more important than others.

What is the positive meaning of the word conceit?

The term conceit can be used positively or derogatorily. In the positive sense, a conceit originally referred to an extended metaphor with a complex logic that governs a poetic passage or entire poem.

Who is the man who wrote the list of paradoxes?

The man who wrote this list of paradoxes can not write at all 🙂 1. Liar Paradox (Epimenides Paradox) This is a well known paradox written by the great stoical logician Chrysippos. The poet, grammarian and critic Philetus of Cos was said to have died of exhaustion attempting to resolve it.