How do you handle exceptions in stored procedures?

How do you handle exceptions in stored procedures?

The return type of ERROR_PROCEDURE is nvarchar(128). Return value returns the Stored Procedure Name if an error occurs in a Stored Procedure or trigger and the catch block is called. It returns NULL if the error did not occur within a Stored Procedure or trigger or it isb called outside the scope of a CATCH block.

What is exception handling exception?

Advertisements. An exception (or exceptional event) is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. When an Exception occurs the normal flow of the program is disrupted and the program/Application terminates abnormally, which is not recommended, therefore, these exceptions are to be handled.

How do I debug a SQL stored procedure?

To debug a function, open the procedure calling that function and insert a breakpoint for the function you want to debug. Then, start debugging. Step through the code using the F11 key or Step Into, or press CTRL+F5 to move directly to the breakpoint. Press F11 or click Step Into to get inside the stored function.

How many types of exception are there in SQL?

Exception types There are three types of exceptions: Predefined exceptions are error conditions that are defined by PL/SQL. Non-predefined exceptions include any standard TimesTen errors. User-defined exceptions are exceptions specific to your application.

How do I handle a stored procedure exception in SQL Server?

Exception Handling in SQL Server by TRY… CATCH

  1. ERROR_NUMBER() This returns the error number and its value is the same as for @@ERROR function.
  2. ERROR_LINE() This returns the line number of T-SQL statement that caused an error.

Can I debug a stored procedure?

Debugging a Stored Function To debug a function, open the procedure calling that function and insert a breakpoint for the function you want to debug. Then, start debugging. Step through the code using the F11 key or Step Into, or press CTRL+F5 to move directly to the breakpoint.