How do you erase with pencil tool in Photoshop?

How do you erase with pencil tool in Photoshop?

Auto Erase with the Pencil tool

  1. Specify foreground and background colors.
  2. Select the Pencil tool .
  3. Select Auto Erase in the options bar.
  4. Drag over the image. If the center of the cursor is over the foreground color when you begin dragging, the area is erased to the background color.

How do you make the eraser brush in Photoshop?

With the Brush Tool active, press Shift+Alt+R (Win) / Shift+Option+R (Mac) to change the brush blend mode to Clear. Then when you’re done erasing, press Shift+Alt+N (Win) / Shift+Option+N (Mac) to set the blend mode back to Normal. Related: Photoshop blend mode tips and tricks!

What is the use of pencil tool?

The Pencil tool is used to draw free hand lines with a hard edge. The pencil and paintbrush are similar tools. The main difference between the two tools is that although both use the same type of brush, the pencil tool will not produce fuzzy edges, even with a very fuzzy brush.

Is there a way to delete all of one color in Photoshop?

1 Correct answer

  1. Open picture file.
  2. Duplicate background layer, shut off visibility of background layer by clicking on its eye icon, work on background copy layer.
  3. Access magic wand tool. In the tool’s option bar, uncheck “contiguous”.
  4. Click on a white area, hit delete on keyboard.

What are the 3 kinds of eraser tool?

There are three options to choose from when you choose the Eraser tool: the Eraser, Background Eraser, and Magic Eraser. There is also an auto-erase function when using the Pencil tool.

What is the meaning of eraser tool?

The eraser is basically a brush which erases pixels as you drag it across the image. Pixels are erased to transparency, or the background colour if the layer is locked. When you select the eraser tool, you have various options available in the toolbar: Flow: Determines how quickly the erasure is applied by the brush.

Why can’t I see my eraser in Photoshop?

Here’s the problem: Check your Caps Lock key. It’s turned on, and turning it on changes your Brush cursor from displaying brush size to displaying the crosshair. This is actually a feature to be used when you need to see the precise center of your brush.

Why is my eraser drawing in Photoshop?

Why is my eraser tool painting? When you go to background layer and you are using your eraser, actually you are ‘painting out’ your background layer mistakes in white! Simply make sure that BOTH your color boxes in the upper right hand corner are designated as pure white.

Where is the eraser tool on Photoshop?

Photoshop’s eraser tool can be found in the second group of icons in the toolbox. It has three variations: Eraser, Background Eraser and Magic Eraser. The eraser is basically a brush which erases pixels as you drag it across the image.

Is a pencil a tool?

The pencil and paintbrush are similar tools. The main difference between the two tools is that although both use the same type of brush, the pencil tool will not produce fuzzy edges, even with a very fuzzy brush.

How does the eraser tool work in Photoshop?

If you change the background layer into a regular layer, the Eraser will get rid of the pixels altogether, leaving you with a clean, transparent slate ready for further editing. The Eraser has features similar to the brush tools in Photoshop that you may already be familiar with.

How to reduce pencil tool size in Photoshop?

Long click on Brush tool in tool box and you will get more tools to select. Select Pencil Tool from menu. Reduce Pencil tool size to 1 pixel from Brush selection window. (You can also do it by pressing ‘ {’ key in your key board)

How do you erase a layer in Adobe Photoshop?

The background eraser overrides the lock transparency setting of a layer. In the Layers panel, select the layer containing the areas you want to erase. Select the Background Eraser tool . (If the tool isn’t visible, hold down the Eraser tool , and choose the Background Eraser from the pop-up menu.)

How do you undo an eraser in Photoshop?

To undo the damage caused by the Eraser Tool, go up to the Edit menu in the Menu Bar and choose Undo Eraser. Or press Ctrl+Z (Win) / Command+Z (Mac) on your keyboard: Going to Edit > Undo Eraser.