What postcode is Nether Edge?

What postcode is Nether Edge?

Area Information for Nether Edge Road, Sheffield, S7 1RW. Nether Edge Road in Sheffield is in the Yorkshire and The Humber region of England. The postcode is within the Nether Edge and Sharrow ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Sheffield Central.

What area is S2 in Sheffield?

Coverage Area of Postcode S1 to S9

Postcode Coverage Area Local Authority Area
S1 Sheffield City Centre Sheffield
S2 Arbourthorne, Heeley, Highfield, Manor, Norfolk Park, Wybourn, Park Hill Sheffield
S3 Broomhall, Burngreave, Neepsend, Netherthorpe Sheffield
S4 Grimesthorpe, Pitsmoor Sheffield

What area of Sheffield is S35?

S35 is in the county of South Yorkshire. It is 7km east of the town of Stocksbridge, and contains Chapeltown, Ecclesfield, High Green, Grenoside, and Oughtibridge. S35 is 9km north of the city of Sheffield.

What area is S11 Sheffield?

S11 spans the counties of South Yorkshire and Derbyshire. It is 4km south-west of the city of Sheffield, and contains Ecclesall, Bents Green, Greystones, Whirlow, and Long Line. S11 is a postcode district, also known as an outcode or outbound code.

Is chapeltown classed as Sheffield?

Chapeltown is a large village and suburb of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England. It is part of the Parish of Ecclesfield. It is historically within the West Riding of Yorkshire.

How many Sheffield postcodes are there?

Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode districts 52
Postcode sectors 248
Postcodes (live) 33,439
Postcodes (total) 49,099

Where in Sheffield is S35?

Where in Sheffield is S5?

S5 is in the county of South Yorkshire. It is 4km north of the city of Sheffield, and contains Parson Cross, Shirecliffe, Shiregreen, Firth Park, and Fir Vale. S5 is a postcode district, also known as an outcode or outbound code.

What does dn stand for in postcode?

Doncaster postcode area
Postcode district boundaries: The DN postcode area, also known as the Doncaster postcode area, is a group of 32 postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of 13 post towns.

What does S35 mean?


Acronym Definition
S35 Super 35mm

What is the square mileage of Sheffield?

367.9 km²