What nated 550?

What nated 550?

1. BACKGROUND. The National Curriculum Statement that culminates in a National Senior Certificate is the Grade 12 qualification that can be attained in South Africa. This was written for the first time in 2008.

What was curriculum 2005?

Curriculum 2005 was progressive, outcomes-based and very different to its predecessor. It introduced a whole new vocabulary – learning areas, integration, outcomes, specific outcomes and assessment standards. After 1994, education and the new curriculum were seen as a means of transforming and improving society.

What is revised national curriculum statement?

A Revised National Curriculum Statement (Revised NCS) should deal with what the curriculum requirements are at various levels and phases and give a clear description of the kind of learner expected at the end of the General Education and Training (GET) band in terms of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.

What are the types of curriculum?

Seven Types of Curriculum

  • Recommended Curriculum.
  • Written Curriculum.
  • Taught Curriculum.
  • Supported Curriculum.
  • Assessed Curriculum.
  • Learned Curriculum.
  • Hidden Curriculum.

When was curriculum 2005 implemented?

Curriculum 2005 (C2005) with its implementation in 1998 was regarded as the master plan to eradicate the inequalities of the apartheid education system.

When did OBE end in South Africa?

In 2008 it was officially abandoned by the state government with Minister for Education Mark McGowan remarking that the 1990s fad “to dispense with syllabus” was over.

What is the difference between caps and NCS?

CAPS, the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement, is a revision of the previous NCS (National Curriculum Statement). CAPS gives teachers detailed guidelines of what to teach and assessed on a grade –by- grade and subject-by- subject basis. It also gives clear guidance of assessment requirements.

What are the 9 types of curriculum?

The following represents the many different types of curriculum used in schools today.

  • Overt, explicit, or written curriculum.
  • Societal curriculum (or social curricula)
  • The hidden or covert curriculum.
  • The null curriculum.
  • Phantom curriculum.
  • Concomitant curriculum.
  • Rhetorical curriculum.
  • Curriculum-in-use.

What is prescribed curriculum?

We use the term “prescribed curriculum” to refer to a statutory curriculum approved by a competent government in charge, by law, of defining the content of education. A prescribed curriculum must be implemented in schools.

When was curriculum 2005 introduced in SA?

What are some of the reasons that the curriculum 2005 was seen as a failure?

Some of the key findings of the C2005 Review Committee were that implementation was confounded by factors such as a skewed curriculum structure and design, lack of alignment between curriculum and assessment policy, inadequate orientation, training and development of teachers, lack of learning materials and variation …