What is the meaning of whooshed in English?

What is the meaning of whooshed in English?

a loud, rushing noise, as of air or water: a great whoosh as the door opened. to move swiftly with a gushing or hissing noise: gusts of wind whooshing through the trees. verb (used with object) to move (an object, a person, etc.) with a whooshing motion or sound: The storm whooshed the waves over the road.

How do you know a whoosh is coming?

Once all that water leaves, your body, and skin supposedly, feels firmer and it appears as though you’ve lost weight. Some keto dieters even report they know they’ve achieved the whoosh effect because they start to have diarrhea. Diarrhea is rarely a positive symptom.

What is another word for whoosh?

Synonyms of whoosh

  • bumble,
  • burr,
  • buzz,
  • drone,
  • hum,
  • whir,
  • whish,
  • whiz.

How do you use whoosh in a sentence?

Whoosh sentence example

  • Suddenly, a loud whoosh blew threw through the park.
  • I pressed myself flat on the sledge until whoosh — The wolf leaped over me and sank its jaws Into my horse’s hindquarters.
  • From the river, you hear the whoosh , whoosh of their wings flapping like the slow motion rotor blades of a helicopter.

How do you describe whooshing sound?

1. a loud, rushing noise, as of air or water: a great whoosh as the door opened. 2. to move swiftly with a gushing or hissing noise: gusts of wind whooshing down the street.

Is Troden a word?

trod·den. v. A past participle of tread.

Do you poop out fat when you lose weight?

Your body must dispose of fat deposits through a series of complicated metabolic pathways. The byproducts of fat metabolism leave your body: As water, through your skin (when you sweat) and your kidneys (when you urinate). As carbon dioxide, through your lungs (when you breathe out).

Do you pee more when you lose weight?

You will lose a lot of water weight. The storage form of sugar (glycogen) needs three molecules of water for every molecule of glycogen, she said, and when your body starts to use up the stored water, you will urinate more causing your total body weight to go down.

What is the synonym of swish?

In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for swish, like: wheeze, rustle, whisper, sound, cane, swirly, classy, inelegant, unfashionable, unstylish and sounds.

What part of speech is whoosh?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: transitive verb & intransitive verb
inflections: whooshes, whooshing, whooshed
definition: to make a rushing or gushing sound, or to move (something) with such a sound.
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What is the make sentence of sailed?

sail verb (TRAVEL) The ship was sailing to China. to control a boat that has no engine and is pushed by the wind: He sailed the dinghy up the river. She sailed around the world single-handed in her yacht.

What is swishing sound?

1a : a prolonged hissing sound (as of a whip cutting the air) b : a light sweeping or brushing sound. 2 : a swishing movement.