What is Cerner CareAware?

What is Cerner CareAware?

CareAware is EHR agnostic and vendor neutral. Simply put, we enable interoperability between medical devices, health care applications and the EHR. We do more than simply connect devices to the EHR. This ensures the right data is presented in the right format at the right time to improve health outcomes.

What is Cerner PowerForm?

PowerForm development within the Cerner EHR provides templates for purposive data entry to meet the requirements of specific clinical tasks. For a consultant practised in the use of the PowerForm consultation times were unaffected, and this may help allay concerns that use of the EHR is overly time consuming.

What is Cerner Imaging?

Cerner Imaging brings together image-enabled workflows and near-real-time data to provide clinicians with a holistic patient view directly within the EHR for cardiovascular, radiology, clinical and enterprise imaging.

What is Cerner code?

What is the Cerner Open Developer Experience? Cerner’s Open Developer Program (code) is leading health care innovation by opening our heath system ecosystem to create new health care technologies and applications.

How do you become Cerner Certified?

Cerner certification only comes from being trained at Cerner’s Headquarters. Cerner typically hires either new grads with degrees in IT or folks with medical backgrounds who have IT experience or aptitude.

What programming language does Cerner use?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Cerner CCL (Cerner Command Language) is the Cerner Corporation fourth-generation programming language, which is expressed in the Cerner Discern Explorer solution. CCL is patterned after the Structured Query Language (SQL).

Can you modify a PowerForm Cerner?

This is where you can view, modify and unchart PowerForms filled out on your patient. Viewing a PowerForm from this tab is as simple as double-clicking on the desired form title or right-clicking and selecting view from the menu. The right-click menu also allows you to modify, unchart and view the history of the form.

What is a PowerForm?

A PowerForm is a way to create a self-service document for signature without writing any code. A PowerForm is initiated from a unique, secure URL that you make available for signers to complete.

What are the Cerner modules?

Cerner Clinical Modules

  • Cerner PowerChart.
  • Cerner PowerOrders.
  • Cerner CPOE.
  • Cerner PathNet.
  • Cerner CoPath / LIS.
  • Cerner SurgiNet.
  • Cerner RadNet.
  • Cerner FirstNet.

Does Cerner use HL7?

Cerner’s comprehensive EHR platform acts as the single source of truth for clinical operational and financial transactions. These APIs are Cerner’s implementation of SMART Health IT and the HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard.

What is careaware multimedia ( Camm ) platform for Cerner?

CareAware MultiMedia (CAMM) Cerner’s Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) platform designed to manage all forms of multimedia, such as images and video and integrate them with the EHR.

What do you need to know about Cerner careaware?

CareAware®, Cerner’s EHR-agnostic device integration platform, exists to address the complex challenges health care organizations are facing today.

What do you need to know about Cerner clinical imaging solutions?

A comprehensive EHR includes digital images and various forms of multimedia. Our clinical imaging solutions provides a holistic patient record by allowing you to handle all imaging and media content generated in the care process. This ensures that all relevant information is available to physicians, nurses and clinicians, within the EHR.

Which is careaware iBus does Cerner use?

CareAware VitalsLink, developed on the CareAware iBus® architecture, is designed to meet health care organizations’ most stringent demands, allowing Cerner Millennium® organizations to optimize their technology investment, while non-Cerner clients can use the CareAware iBus with their existing HIS system.