What is a closed humerus fracture?

What is a closed humerus fracture?

A proximal humerus fracture usually occurs close to the shoulder joint and can be located at different levels with different fracture patterns: simple or comminuted. A humerus shaft fracture, on the other hand, is one that is localized at the mid portion of the upper arm.

What is a FX humerus?

A proximal humerus fracture also referred to as a broken humerus, is a break of the shoulder at the top of the upper arm bone. The bone usually fractures just below the ball of the shoulder joint. This can occur in patients of all ages from a variety of traumatic causes.

How long does a distal humerus fracture take to heal?

Most patients can return to their normal activities within about 6 months, although full healing can take up to 2 years. Recovering strength in your arm often takes longer than might be expected—sometimes up to 6 months or more.

What is diaphyseal fracture of humerus?

Causes of humeral diaphyseal fractures include a fall from standing, a motor vehicle accident, a fall from height, and pathology related. Distal humerus fractures are primarily caused by high-energy traumas, and in the elderly, they are most often caused by by low-energy falls.

How should I dress with a broken humerus?

Dressing. You should keep your arm close to your body and avoid movement as much as possible until your doctor advises you to start moving. You should wear your collar and cuff at all times and put your clothes on over the arm and sling. Ladies may find a bra difficult and painful to wear.

Can a fractured humerus heal on its own?

In many cases, proximal and mid-shaft humerus fractures don’t require surgery because the broken ends usually stay close together. This makes it easier for your humerus to heal on its own. However, you’ll still need to wear a sling, brace, or splint to keep your arm from moving and stabilize your shoulder, if needed.

How do you reduce a broken humerus?

If you fracture your humerus, you might need ORIF to bring your bones back into place and help them heal. During an open reduction, orthopedic surgeons reposition the pieces of your fractured bone surgically so that your bones are back in their proper alignment.

How to treat non-operative proximal humeral FX ( FX )?

Apply hot packs 10 minutes before exercising 2. Begin pendulum (Codman) exercises with circles in and out 3. Soft tissue mobilization 4. Supine ER with a stick to 30º a. Support elbow on a folded towel with shoulder in 15° ABD 5. Scapular Stabilization a. Scapular clocks b. Scapular retractions (no shoulder extension)

How is a humerus shaft fracture treated without surgery?

Humerus Shaft Fracture A humerus shaft fracture may be treated with or without surgery, depending on the fracture pattern and associated injuries (i.e., nerve injury or open fracture). A temporary splint extending from the shoulder to the forearm and holding the elbow bent at 90 degrees can be used for initial management of the fracture.

When does a closed reduction and percutaneous pinning of the humerus occur?

Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus. A supracondylar humerus fracture is an extra-articular fracture of the distal humerus at the elbow that typically occurs in children between the ages of 5 and 9 years old.

When to undergo CRPP for supracondylar humerus fractures?

As a rule, minimally displaced extension-type supracondylar humerus fractures in which the capitellum is posterior to a line drawn from the anterior humeral line indicates unacceptable extension and therefore should be undergo a CRPP (Figure 2).