What are the interior and exterior angles of a 12 sided polygon?

What are the interior and exterior angles of a 12 sided polygon?

For a regular n -gon, the measure of an exterior angle is 360˚n . Since a dodecagon has 12 sides, an exterior angles is 360˚12=30˚ .

What are the interior angles of a polygon with 12 sides?

In geometry, a dodecagon or 12-gon is any twelve-sided polygon….Dodecagon.

Regular dodecagon
Coxeter diagram
Symmetry group Dihedral (D12), order 2×12
Internal angle (degrees) 150°
Dual polygon Self

What is the sum of interior angles of a 12 sided regular polygon?

Dodecagon is a 12-sided polygon with 12 angles and 12 vertices. The sum of the interior angles of a dodecagon is 1800°.

How do you find the interior and exterior angles of a polygon?

All the interior angles in a regular polygon are equal. The formula for calculating the size of an interior angle is: interior angle of a polygon = sum of interior angles ÷ number of sides. The sum of exterior angles of a polygon is 360°.

What is the interior angle of a 20 sided polygon?

Interior angle of any regular polygon =180[(n−2)/n] Interior angle of any regular Icosagon = 180(20 – 2)/20 = 162° The sum of all the interior angles of a regular Icosagon is 3240°.

What is the sum of interior angles of a 13-sided polygon?

For a pentagon, it’s (5-2)180=(3)180=540 degrees. So plug in n=13 to see the sum of the angle measures for a 13-sided polygon.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a 14 sided polygon?

Since all angles of a regular polygon are congruent, the sum of the interior angle measures is 14x. By the Polygon Interior Angles Sum Theorem, the sum of the interior angle measures can also be expressed as . The measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon with 14 sides is about 154.3.

What is the sum of interior angles of an n sided polygon?

The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is (n – 2)180.

How do you calculate interior angle?

All the interior angles in a regular polygon are equal. The formula for calculating the size of an interior angle is: interior angle of a polygon = sum of interior angles ÷ number of sides.

How do you find the exterior angle of a polygon?

To find the value of a given exterior angle of a regular polygon, simply divide 360 by the number of sides or angles that the polygon has. For example, an eight-sided regular polygon, an octagon, has exterior angles that are 45 degrees each, because 360/8 = 45.

What is the formula for exterior angles of a polygon?

the formula for the exterior angle of a polygon is 360 / n. if you know the interior angle, then 180 – that equals the exterior angle. you divide the exterior angle into 360 to get the number of sides of the polygon. for example, we know that a regular pentagon has an interior angle of (n-2)*180 = 3*180 = 540 degrees / 5 = 108 degrees.

Which polygon has the most sides?

Types Of Regular Polygons A triangle that has all sides and angles the same is called an equilateral triangle, or regular triangle. A quadrilateral that has all sides and angles the same is called a square, or regular quadrilateral. A pentagon that has all sides and angles the same is known as a regular pentagon.