How many calories are in a can of Jevity?

How many calories are in a can of Jevity?

Nutrient Data

Amount per serving
L-Carnitine, mg : 36 36
Taurine, mg : 36 36
Water, g/mL : 180 180
Calories : 355 355

What is the highest calorie tube feeding formula?

This formula provides complete, calorically dense liquid nutrition for those with elevated caloric requirements and/or a fluid restriction. NUTREN 2.0 contains taurine, carnitine and ultra-trace minerals for long-term feeding.

Can you drink Jevity 1.5 Mouth?

Oral Feeding: May be used for total or supplemental nutrition. May be fed at room temperature or chilled.

What is 2 cal drink?

TWOCAL HN is calorie and protein dense nutrition to support patients with volume intolerance and/or fluid restriction. Often provided in 2 fl oz amounts QID with Med Pass programs to assist with weight gain or maintenance. For tube or oral feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition.

Is Jevity good for weight loss?

The Jevity High Protein Drink is ideal to be taken as a supplement or as a sole source of nutrition. It can either be tube fed or consumed orally as per the patient’s convenience. This nutritional drink is beneficial to treat malnutrition, loss of appetite, or involuntary weight loss.

How many calories in Jevity 1.5 Cal per mL?

FEATURES Concentrated calories (1.5 Cal/mL) to help tube-fed patients gain and maintain healthy weight. 22 g total dietary fiber/L (12 g of a unique soluble and insoluble fiber blend and 10 g of NutraFlora® scFOS® *) which helps meet daily fiber needs. Fiber helps moderate bowel function.

How many calories in Jevity for tube feeding?

Jevity ® 1.5 Cal Complete, Balanced Nutrition® with Fiber JEVITY 1.5 CAL is calorically dense, fiber-fortified therapeutic nutrition that provides complete, balanced nutrition for long- or short-term tube feeding.

What do you need to know about Jevity 1.2?

JEVITY 1.2 CAL is high-protein, fiber-fortified therapeutic nutrition that provides complete, balanced nutrition for long- or short-term tube feeding. For tube feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition.

How much fibre is in a can of Jevity?

Jevity is a 1.0kcal/ml nutritionally complete and balanced isotonic liquid feed enriched with fibre to help maintain normal bowel function. Fibre has an important role in the diet by helping to support gastrointestinal function 1,2,3. Jevity is available in a 237ml can.