How does Emily attempt to earn money in a Rose for Emily?

How does Emily attempt to earn money in a Rose for Emily?

So, at age 40, for about 6 or 7 years, she gave lessons on painting china. It is an interesting thing to do to earn money, and even more interesting that Miss Emily, from wealthy relations and a stubborn sense of pride, would condescend to teaching painting lessons for money.

Was Emily rich in A Rose for Emily?

Emily is no longer wealthy, but still a Grierson, which means she has to act like a lady at all costs.

Who attends Emily’s funeral in A Rose for Emily?

Emily’s body is laid out in the parlor, and the women, town elders, and two cousins attend the service.

What does the town expect Emily to do with the arsenic she buys from the druggist group of answer choices?

What does the town expect Emily to do with the arsenic she buys from the druggist? giving china-painting lessons to local children.

What were homers intentions with Emily?

When she meets Homer Baron she thinks her entire life is about to change for the better. When she learns of Homer’s intentions she goes to the pharmacist and buys rat poisoning.

Why didnt Emily pay taxes?

Emily won’t pay taxes after her father’s death because her father was promised he would never have to. Therefore, the mayor concocted a story that the town owed the Griersons money, and for that reason they were exempt from property taxes.

Was Homer Black in A Rose for Emily?

In “A Rose for Emily,” however, no one suggests out loud that Homer is black, and if the narrator “might be suggesting that Homer is a mixed-blood individual” by referencing his dark complexion, he is the only narrator in the Faulkner canon who suspects the presence of black blood and doesn’t seize on it as the causal …

Why did the two cousins from Alabama come to Miss Emily’s house?

The townspeople, never suspecting that the poison is intended for Homer, conclude that Miss Emily will likely use it to kill herself. When they can’t put an end to the relationship between the perceived lovers, they write to Miss Emily’s relatives in Alabama, and two cousins come to stay with her.

Why did Emily buy arsenic?

Emily shortly buys arsenic from a druggist in town, presumably to kill rats, however, the townspeople are convinced that she will use it to poison herself. Emily’s distant cousins are called into town by the minister’s wife to supervise Miss Emily and Homer Barron.

Why is this a disgrace A Rose for Emily?

Essentially, the traditionalists of Jefferson consider Miss Emily’s relationship with Homer Barron a disgrace because they feel that he is significantly below her social class. They subscribe to traditional southern culture, where prestigious families only marry people among their social class.

What does Miss Emily’s refusal to pay her taxes and bury her dead father imply?

Emily won’t pay taxes after her father’s death because her father was promised he would never have to. The town felt protective towards its aristocrats, because these families represented to it their collective nostalgia for a lost way of life.

Who began to date Miss Emily in Part 3?

Who began to date miss emily in part 3? She began to date Homer Barron. He was a foreman overseeing the construction of sidewalks in the town What did the Townspeople think of Miss Emily and her new boyfriend? At first they were happy for her.

What does Judge Stevens think has happened to Miss Emily’s house?

There was an awful smell at miss emily’s house. Judge Stevens thinks that the black man must have killed a rat or a snake What did Miss Emily tell visitors the day after her father’s death? Why did the townspeople not think she was crazy for this? Who began to date miss emily in part 3? She began to date Homer Barron.

How old is Miss Emily when she visits the druggist?

Miss Emily is 30 at the tim and holds her head up in spite of the rumors she must be aware of. How does she show she has kept her dignity when she visits the druggist?

Why do the townspeople force the Baptist preacher to talk to Miss Emily?

They forced the Baptist preacher to talk to her because she was setting a bad example for the young people and a disgrace to the town. What does Miss emily do that makes the townspeople think she and her boyfriend have gotten married? She had bought him a toilet set with his initials and some clothes.