Why is it important to protect the environment?

Why is it important to protect the environment?

Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. They provide raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the foundation of all civilisation and sustain our economies.

Why should we save the environment essay?

Harming the Environment and causing pollution have caused global warming. Due to this many humans and animals have died. Hence, saving the environment would reduce global warming. The health of people would improve.

How can we save our environment paragraph?

Save trees to save our environment. Encourage your child to plant trees in any empty ground. As I said before, the initiative counts. If you feel the need of saving the environment, you will stop others from doing something which can hurt the well being of the nature.

What are the effects of environmental problems?

The impacts that these have on the environment have become clear and include:Climate change including Global warming.Acid rain, photochemical smog and other forms of pollution.Ocean acidification.Displacement/extinction of wildlife.Resource depletion – forests, water, food.and more.

What are the causes and effects of environmental pollution?

Additionally, environmental pollution is triggered by the introduction of harmful materials, such as gaseous pollutants, toxic metals, and particulate matter (PM) into the atmosphere; sewage, industrial effluents, agricultural runoffs, and electronic wastes into water bodies; and activities such as mining.

What are the effects of pollution essay?

Effects of Pollution For instance, you might not be able to see the natural gases present in the air, but they are still there. Similarly, the pollutants which are messing up the air and increasing the levels of carbon dioxide is very dangerous for humans. Increased level of carbon dioxide will lead to global warming.