What are the 6 core values of social work?

What are the 6 core values of social work?

Six core values of the social work profession

  • Service.
  • Social justice.
  • Dignity and worth of the person.
  • Importance of human relationships.
  • Integrity.
  • Competence.

What are the five core values of social work?

The moral framework is based on these social work core values :

  • Service.
  • Integrity.
  • Social justice.
  • Competence.
  • The importance of human relationships.
  • Dignity and worth of the client.

Why are values important in social work?

Social workers value the dignity and worth of each person. They promote clients’ socially responsible self-determination based on their individual values. Social workers strive to increase their clients’ capability to change, address their own needs and become self-reliant.

Why are the six core values of social work important?

The NASW Code of Ethics serves six purposes: To familiarize new practitioners to the social work profession’s mission, values, ethical principles and ethical standards. To state the standards that the profession can use to determine if social workers have engaged in unethical conduct.

What are the roles of a social worker?

Social workers support individuals and their families through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults, are safeguarded from harm. Their role is to help improve outcomes in people’s lives. They maintain professional relationships and act as guides and advocates.

What are the principles of social case work?

The social caseworker plays very crucial roles in keeping the information given by the client during the casework process as secrete as possible. In social casework, the principles of keeping the information confidential is the right of the client . It is an ethical practice and obligation of the social caseworker,

What are the characteristics of a case work relationship?

 The case work relationship contains elements of acceptance, expectation, support and stimulation.  The client and the case worker are interdependent.  The case work relationship may have several therapeutic values.  The case work relationship results in improvement of condition. The client is more adjusted in society.

What are the three principles of case management?

The purpose of this white paper is to present three principles for effective social work case management: 1. Evidence-based practice 2. Trusting relationships 3. Client empowerment For each principle, we’ll look at the philosophy behind it, some practical steps you can implement, and some examples and resources you can review.

What are the values of a case manager?

In addition to a set of skills, the case manager needs to put into practice some basic values of the helping relationship. These values help the case manager ensure that actions taken demonstrate respect for those with whom the case manager works.