What are some health inequities in Canada?

What are some health inequities in Canada?

Many of these inequalities are the result of individuals’ and groups’ relative social, political, and economic disadvantages….Including indicators for:

  • Life expectancy and health-adjusted life expectancy.
  • Mortality and disability.
  • Perceived physical and mental health.
  • Infectious and chronic diseases.

What are examples of health inequities?

Examples of health disparities include race, gender, education, income, disability, geographic location, and sexual orientation. Health disparities create health inequities.

What are the 12 Determinants of health Canada?

The Public Health Agency of Canada has identified 12 determinants of health as follows:

  • Income and social status.
  • Social support networks.
  • Education and literacy.
  • Employment/working conditions.
  • Social environments.
  • Physical environments.
  • Personal health practices and coping skills.
  • Healthy child development.

What are the key areas of inequities in the health status of indigenous peoples?

3 Indigenous health inequities are evident in the disturbingly high rates of substandard or overcrowded housing, poverty, food insecurity, unemployment, child apprehension, and incarceration, along with lower rates of educational attainment and access to quality health care services.

Are health inequities unfair?

Health inequities are differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources between different population groups, arising from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. Health inequities are unfair and could be reduced by the right mix of government policies.

What are the social determinants of Health Canada?

The main determinants of health include:

  • Income and social status.
  • Employment and working conditions.
  • Education and literacy.
  • Childhood experiences.
  • Physical environments.
  • Social supports and coping skills.
  • Healthy behaviours.
  • Access to health services.

What are the 5 determinants of health?

Health is influenced by many factors, which may generally be organized into five broad categories known as determinants of health: genetics, behavior, environmental and physical influences, medical care and social factors. These five categories are interconnected.

What are the six determinants of health?

Social Determinants of Health

  • Economic Stability.
  • Education Access and Quality.
  • Health Care Access and Quality.
  • Neighborhood and Built Environment.
  • Social and Community Context.

Where can I find health inequalities in Canada?

Data from the HIR Initiative can be accessed using the online interactive Health Inequalities Data Tool. This report presents results at the national level for 22 indicators of health status and determinants of health, selected to highlight some of the most pronounced and widespread health inequalities in Canada.

Where did the Health Inequalities report come from?

This report is a product of the Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting (HIR) Initiative, a collaboration among the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, Statistics Canada, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, and the First Nations Information Governance Centre.

Why are there so many health inequities in the world?

In all countries – whether low-, middle- or high-income – there are wide disparities in the health status of different social groups. The lower an individual’s socio-economic position, the higher their risk of poor health. Health inequities are systematic differences in the health status of different population groups.

Are there any First Nations Health Surveys in Canada?

While many of these sources capture data for First Nations people living off reserve, the Métis and the Inuit, most exclude First Nations people living on reserve and in northern communities. Helping to fill this information gap is the First Nations Regional Health Survey, the only First Nations-governed national health survey in Canada.