Is removing unnecessary words is a rule for editing?

Is removing unnecessary words is a rule for editing?

Eliminating Words Always consider readers while drafting and revising writing. If passages explain or describe details that would already be obvious to readers, delete or reword them.

What are some strategies for eliminating unnecessary words?

4 Ways to Eliminate Unnecessary Words in Your Writing

  • Replace Redundant Adjectives. A good first step in reducing wordiness is pruning redundant adjectives.
  • Remove Redundant Pairs and Categories.
  • Take Out Words That State the Obvious and Add Excess Detail.
  • Remove Unnecessary Determiners and Modifiers.

Why should unnecessary words and phrases be eliminated?

Why should unnecessary words and phrases be eliminated? Unnecessary words and phrases result in redundancy. Each word should contribute to the argument and purpose of an assignment; if a word or phrase can be removed from a sentence without affecting its meaning, it should be eliminated.

Which is an example of redundant word?

Redundant expressions are phrases made up of two or more words that repeat the same idea. A good example is “twelve midnight,” since “midnight” is always at 12am. We can therefore drop “twelve” without losing any meaning.

How do you avoid unnecessary details in a paper?

Avoiding repetition at the paper level

  1. Don’t restate points you’ve already made.
  2. Don’t use the same heading more than once.
  3. Are all sections relevant to the main goal of the paper?
  4. Restating key points.
  5. Underlining main points.

How can I improve my wordiness?

Together, these changes create a stronger, more concise sentence.

  1. Use the Key Noun.
  2. Use Active Voice rather than Passive Voice Verbs.
  3. Avoid Unnecessary Language.
  4. Use Nouns rather than Vague Pronouns as Subjects.
  5. Use Verbs rather than Nouns to Express Action.
  6. Avoid a String of Prepositional Phrases.

How do you fix unclear sentences?

There are many strategies for improving the clarity of your sentences and your papers.

  1. Go from old to new information.
  2. Be careful about placement of subordinate clauses.
  3. Use active voice.
  4. Use parallel constructions.
  5. Avoid noun strings.
  6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs.
  7. Avoid multiple negatives.

What is an unnecessary phrase?

One common type of error is to use too many words. The extra word may be an article, a verb, a pronoun, a preposition, an adjective, a conjunction, or an entire phrase. Using words with the same meaning in one sentence is another kind of unnecessary word error.

Is that an unnecessary word?

As a rule of thumb in questionable cases, remember: Using “that” is never really wrong, though it may be unnecessary; omitting “that” in some cases indeed may be wrong.

How can I clean up my writing without using unnecessary words?

Finally, an easy way to clean up your writing and eliminate unnecessary words is to make sure you aren’t using too many determiners and modifiers in your sentences.

What is an unnecessary word error in a sentence?

So mistakes are sometimes made when creating sentences. One common type of error is to use too many words. The extra word may be an article, a verb, a pronoun, a preposition, an adjective, a conjunction, or an entire phrase. Using words with the same meaning in one sentence is another kind of unnecessary word error.

How many words should you never use in a sentence?

That’s why the first rule of wordiness is to never use two (or three, or four) words when one will do. Half the phrases made up of a bunch of words have short and precise analogs.

How to avoid wordiness in narrative writing?

And, to achieve the purpose of a certain text successfully, you should know the basic rules on how to avoid wordiness. One of them says that to make your narration resonate with the audience, you have to make it clear and precise.