How do you use subdue fungicide?

How do you use subdue fungicide?

1 SUBDUE MAXX ALONE • Add 1/4 to 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank. With the agitator running, add the Subdue MAXX to the tank. Continue agitation while adding the remainder of the water. Begin application of the spray solution after the Subdue MAXX has com- pletely dispersed into the mix water.

How to apply Subdue?

Application Volume: Apply 250 mL of the Subdue MAXX mixture as a drench to the growing media at the base of each plant. One application per planting cycle. Apply immediately after transplanting or when Pythium root rot is present. DO NOT apply Subdue MAXX Fungicide to the foliage.

What is the active ingredient in Subdue fungicide?

The active ingredient in Subdue MAXX is mefenoxam, a group 4 fungicide (phenylamide).

Is subdue systemic?

Featuring leading-edge MAXX technology, Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide that controls Pythium Root Rot, Pythium Blight, and Pythium Damping-off in turf. Its long residual activity of up to 21 days combined with a low cost per 100 m² make Subdue MAXX the best value for your pythium control dollar.

What is the best fungicide for orchids?

Cinnamon is an excellent fungicide, and ground cinnamon may be applied straight from the spice jar directly to the exposed area where infected portions of the plant have been excised. First Rays Orchids also recommends mixing cinnamon with either casein-based glue (such as Elmer’s) or cooking oil to form a thick paste.

What is Daconil fungicide used for?

Protection from the stealthiest of plant pests. Daconil® Fungicide Concentrate and its easy-to-use measuring cap make effective treatment simple. You can prevent stop or control active fungal diseases on vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers, shrubs, ornamental trees and conifers. It’s rain-proof protection you can trust.

What is metalaxyl fungicide?

Metalaxyl is a systemic fungicide used to control plant diseases caused by Oomycete fungi. Its formulations include granules, wettable powders, dusts, and emulsifiable concentrates. Application may be by foliar or soil incorporation, surface spraying (broadcast or band), drenching, and seed treatment.

How do you use ridomil gold?

Fill the spray tank with half the required volume of water and start agitation. Add the required quantity of RIDOMIL GOLD directly to the spray tank. Continue agitation whilst adding the rest of the water. Always agitate the mixture thoroughly before use and continue agitation during spraying.

What is Pythium root rot?

Pythium root rot causes poor growth as a result of rotten roots. Small, bleached patches develop in the turf that may progress to large dead areas. The fungus survives as thick-walled resting structures (oospores) in old roots and in the soil and thatch.

What is the best fungicide for root rot?

Use the most effective fungicides (those with thiophanate-methyl, polyoxin-D, triflumizole or fludioxonil) preventively.

How do you make homemade fungicide for orchids?

For plant-wide infections, a homemade fungicide for orchids can be made from baking soda. Wash the entire plant (including roots) in a solution of 4 teaspoons baking soda and 2 teaspoons horticultural oil or insecticidal soap added to a gallon of water.

Where does subdue GR fungicide go in the soil?

When incorporated into the soil, the active ingredient is absorbed into the roots and moves to the crown providing protection against pathogens that can invade. Subdue GR Fungicide with 1.0% Mefenoxam controls listed diseases in turf, ornamentals, conifers, nonbearing citrus, and nonbearing deciduous fruit and nut trees in nurseries.

What kind of fungicide is subdue Maxx for?

Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. Subdue Maxx is a broad-spectrum fungicide that offers superior control of diseases like pythium blight. It contains active ingredient mefenoxam and can be used in conifers, non-bearing fruit trees, ornamentals and turf.

What kind of fungicide to use on fruit trees?

It contains active ingredient mefenoxam and can be used in conifers, non-bearing fruit trees, ornamentals and turf. Subdue Maxx Fungicide by Syngenta is a systemic fungicide which contains no odor and mixes into a clear solution.

When to use subdue Maxx on citrus trees?

Use Subdue MAXX on nonbearing citrus for control of citrus foot rot, root rot, and trunk canker caused by Phytophthora spp. Apply to the soil as a drench or as a spray in a banded application, or as a directed spray. Make the first application of Subdue MAXX at the time of planting.