Does bash support nested if statements?

Does bash support nested if statements?

If statement and else statement could be nested in bash. The keyword “fi” indicates the end of the inner if statement and all if statement should end with the keyword “fi”. The “if then elif then else fi” example mentioned in above can be converted to the nested if as shown below.

How do you use multiple IF statements in shell script?

To use multiple conditions in one if-else block, then elif keyword is used in shell. If expression1 is true then it executes statement 1 and 2, and this process continues. If none of the condition is true then it processes else part.

What is difference between if else Fi and if Elif else Fi statement?

The elif (else if) is used for multiple if conditions. In case if the first condition goes false then check another “if” conditions. In the following example, we are taking input from the user and display corresponding statements. Use “if” condition to check if the marks are greater or equal to 80.

How do you exit a shell script in Linux?

To end a shell script and set its exit status, use the exit command. Give exit the exit status that your script should have. If it has no explicit status, it will exit with the status of the last command run.

What is in if in Bash?

Bash If-Else Statement Syntax If the condition evaluates to true , the if block code is executed, and if the condition evaluates to false then the else block code is executed. Note: The if block only gets executed if the condition evaluates to true. We have to finish the if statement with the fi keyword.

What is nested IF statement?

Keys to Properly Writing a Nested IF Formula Define your categories. The first step of writing any Nested IF Statement is to define your goal. Load your Data Set. Load your data into a vertical column and add a field next to it to assign it to the proper category. Decide on your approach. Start your IF Statement.

How do I create a script in Bash?

To create a bash script, enter the following code: #!/bin/bash. #on displays the actual folder name. echo “the folder is ‘pwd'”. #then the rest of the files. echo “The folder which contains files are ‘ls'”. Save this file by pressing CTRL + O with Nano. Give it the name of your command.

What does -Z mean in Bash?

Bash is a command processor that typically runs in a text window where the user types commands that cause actions. Bash can also read and execute commands from a file, called a shell script.

What is Bash Test?

Bash test builtin command. On Unix -like operating systems, test is a builtin command of the Bash shell that can test file attributes, and perform string and arithmetic comparisons. Description. test provides no output, but returns an exit status of 0 for “true” (test successful) and 1 for “false” (test failed).