Can you hold orangutans in Borneo?

Can you hold orangutans in Borneo?

They are not pets, they are wild animals. As #1 says, they are being rehabilitated. At Sepilok you are not allowed to get close to the orang utans for this very reason, also there is the dange of transferring human sickness/disease to the orang utans. Try the Singapore zoo where you can hold the orang utans.

How much does it cost to see the orangutans in Borneo?

How much does Borneo orangutan tour costs? It cost me around 600 USD for two people.

What can we do at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre?

The facility provides medical care for orphaned and confiscated orangutans as well as dozens of other wildlife species. Some of the other animals which have been treated at the centre include; sun bears, gibbons, and elephants. Recently rehabilitated individuals have their diet supplemented by daily feedings.

Where can you find the largest orangutan rehabilitation center?

Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary The Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre was set up in 1964 and is the best known of the four orang utan rehabilitation centres in the world. The centre covers 43 square kilometers within the 4,500 hectare Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve and is located approximately 25 km form Sandakan.

Can you hug an orangutan?

The simple answer to this is “no”, which can sometimes be a disappointment to the enquirer. The media and charities, particularly surrounding orang-utan rehabilitation centres and conservation, are saturated with images of white people hugging the animals, especially baby orangutan.

Why is Borneo losing its jungle?

But in the last century, the world’s third-largest island (shared by Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei) has lost a significant portion of its forests to fire, illegal logging and the expansion of palm oil and pulpwood plantations. Oil palm plantations are the main driver of deforestation in Borneo.

Can you see wild orangutans in Borneo?

Borneo and Sumatra aren’t only the best places to see orangutans – they are the only places you can see them in the wild.

Which part of Borneo is the best?

The 10 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Borneo

  • Head deep in the rainforest at Danum Valley, Sabah.
  • The pride of Borneo: Mount Kinabalu, Sabah.
  • Borneo’ Survivor Island: Pulau Tiga, Sabah.
  • A sandy retreat to Sipadan Island, Sabah.
  • The most beautiful place in Borneo: Bohey Dulang, Sabah.

How many orangutans are in Sepilok?

The sanctuary is located within the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve which covers an area of 4,294 ha (10,610 acres), much of which is virgin rainforest. Today around 60 to 80 orangutans are living free in the reserve.

Do orangutans like hugs?

Very similarly to people, orangutans make strong emotional bonds with others and need physical affection. The babies cling to their moms for dear life and huddle all together with their little friends. It gives them the feeling of comfort and safety. It’s just so nice to give someone a hug!

Can you touch an orangutan?

Orangutans are incredibly powerful and can be dangerous to humans. Though there are centers throughout Borneo that do allow visitors to touch and even hold orangutan infants, this is an irresponsible practice which is known to increase infant mortality significantly. 3. Humans are a major threat to wild orangutans.

Where to see orangutans in Sepilok, Malaysia?

Welcome to Sepilok A visit to the world’s most famous place to see orangutans in their natural habitat is all the more compelling thanks to the outdoor nursery for orangutan youngsters in the same complex, and the nearby Sun Bear Conservation Centre and Rainforest Discovery Centre.

Where to see orangutans in their natural habitat?

A visit to the world’s most famous place to see orangutans in their natural habitat is all the more compelling thanks to the outdoor nursery for orangutan youngsters in the same complex, and the nearby Sun Bear Conservation Centre and Rainforest Discovery Centre. In addition, the Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary is only a short drive away.

What to do in Borneo with Lonely Planet?

Get to the heart of Borneo with one of Lonely Planet’s in-depth, award-winning guidebooks. A visit to the see the… Semonggoh Wildlife… Bako National Park is an ideal day trip for nature… Trek across Kinabalu Park… Make your arrival into Kuching… Board the North Borneo…

Is there a Jungle Out There in Borneo?

It’s a jungle out there! Borneo has some of the world’s most wildlife-rich equatorial rainforests, incredible landscapes (above and below the waves) and rich indigenous culture. No attractions found.