What are the six stages of the pre-referral process?

What are the six stages of the pre-referral process?

Page 3: Six Stages in the Pre-Referral Process

  • Stage 1: Initial concern regarding a student’s progress.
  • Stage 2: Information gathering.
  • Stage 3: Information sharing and team discussion.
  • Stage 4: Discussion of possible strategies.
  • Stage 5: Implementation and monitoring of strategies.
  • Stage 6: Evaluation and decision making.

What are pre-referral strategies for special education?

The team meeting follows these steps:

  • Review your child’s strengths, interests, and talents.
  • Discuss reasons for referral, overall performance level, and behavior in the classroom.
  • List interventions previously tried and their rate of success.
  • Brainstorm interventions that address concerns.
  • Select interventions to try.

How do you write a special education referral?

Making a referral for your child is the first important step to have him assessed to diagnose a learning disability….What to Include in the Referral

  1. Your mailing address, daytime and evening telephone numbers;
  2. Your child’s name, birth date, school, and grade;
  3. A description of your child’s learning problems.

What are the 5 steps of the special education process?

Child is identified as possibly needing special education and related services. “Child Find.”

  • Child is evaluated.
  • Eligibility is decided.
  • Child is found eligible for services.
  • IEP meeting is scheduled.
  • IEP meeting is held and the IEP is written.
  • Services are provided.
  • Progress is measured and reported to parents.
  • What are the pre-referral process?

    The purpose of pre-referral process ensures modifications and accommodations for students who have difficulties in learning based on their disabilities and needs and to create ways to help the student in their education. Students is put through a universal screening where struggling students are identified.

    How do you tell a parent their child needs to be evaluated?

    Specific Tips for Communicating Concerns with Parents

    1. Choose a time and place where you can talk alone.
    2. Make sure both you and the parents have enough time to talk.
    3. Be prepared for strong emotions.
    4. Be caring, supportive, and respectful.
    5. Begin by saying something positive about the child.

    How do you tell a parent their child needs special education?

    10 Tips for Talking with Parents about Student Reading…

    1. Identify and State the Child’s Strengths.
    2. Talk in honest, but plain language.
    3. Use Imagery.
    4. Avoid the word ‘disability’ and other loaded words and phrases.
    5. Understand the trust issues at play.
    6. Stay Positive and Proactive.
    7. Keep any instructions simple.

    What are the five steps of the special education process?

    The Special Education Process Explained

    • The First Step: Identifying a Need.
    • Step Two: Formal Assessment.
    • Step Three: The Individualized Education Program and Meeting.
    • Step Four: Placement, Accommodations and Specialized Services.
    • Step Five: Annual and Triennial Reviews and Progress Monitoring.

    What is Pre Referral?

    Pre-referral. Pre-referral refers to the process a school-based team goes through to determine what, if any, additional supports a student may need to make academic progress. If in-class intervention, designed by the teacher, does not produce progress for a student, the school-based team will schedule a meeting to review data and information.

    What is the referral process?

    The Referral Process. ​A referral is a resolution prepared by the governing body to place a question on the ballot for electors to decide. The referral is filed with the appropriate filing officer. The state governing body is the Legislature.

    What is special education identification process?

    The special education process under IDEA is designed to ensure that each individual child’s needs are carefully considered and addressed. Learn ten steps in the special education process, from evaluation to reviewing student progress. The child is identified as possibly needing special education and related services.

    What is the special education assessment process?

    Assessment in special education is a process that involves collecting information about a student for the purpose of making decisions. Assessment, also known as evaluation, can be seen as a problem-solving process (Swanson & Watson, 1989) that involves many ways of collecting information about the student.