Is EAX always the return value?

Is EAX always the return value?

Bottom line: it depends completely on the compiler and the conventions it uses. (I build a compiler that passes double float args in EAX/EDX [sometimes]). not if your methods return void and pass values through references or pointers.

What is return value Assembly?

In assembly language, the call instruction handles passing the return address for you, and ret handles using that address to return back to where you called the function from. return value. The return value is the main method of transferring data back to the main program.

Is EAX the return register?

EAX: The accumulator. This register typically stores return values from functions. EBX: This register is typically the pointer to the base of an array. ECX: This is typically used as a counter: loops, iterating through an array etc.

What register holds return value?

Register 14 is used for the return address. Register 15 is used as the stack pointer. Floating-point registers 0 and 2 are used for parameter passing and return values.

What is the difference between Stdcall and Cdecl?

__cdecl is the default calling convention for C and C++ programs. Because the stack is cleaned up by the caller, it can do vararg functions. The __cdecl calling convention creates larger executables than __stdcall, because it requires each function call to include stack cleanup code.

Where is the return value stored assembly?

EAX register
Return values are stored in the EAX register.

What register does assembly return?

RAX, the Return Register Fortunately, there is only one designated register for return values from functions: RAX .

Which register contains return value?


Register Windows CE 5.0 gcc
R0 Return values. Temporary for expanding assembly pseudo-instructions. Implicit source/destination for 8/16-bit operations. Not preserved. Return value, caller saves
R1..R3 Serves as temporary registers. Not preserved. Caller saved scratch. Structure address (caller save, by default)

Which register is return value stored?

Registers EAX, ECX, and EDX are designated for use within the function. Return values are stored in the EAX register.

What is the purpose of EAX?

eax is a 32-bit general-purpose register with two common uses: to store the return value of a function and as a special register for certain calculations. It is technically a volatile register, since the value isn’t preserved. Instead, its value is set to the return value of a function before a function returns.

What is DB in assembly language?

DB = define byte size variables. DW = define word size (16 bits) variables. DD = define double word size (32 bits) variables.