Why do my ankles hurt during pregnancy?

Why do my ankles hurt during pregnancy?

When pregnant, it is normal for an increase in your blood volume, and some pregnant women will have a mild increase in their blood pressure. Blood vessels dilate to decrease the flow and pressure, which can lead to a decrease in oxygen to the muscles and often cause foot and leg cramps.

Why should you not massage a pregnant woman’s ankles?

There are concerns about pregnant women who’ve developed blood clots in their legs. Changes to your blood flow put you more at risk of them during pregnancy. If you have reddened, swollen, or warmer spot on your lower legs, don’t get a massage and see your doctor immediately.

How can I reduce ankle pain?


  1. Rest. Keep weight off your ankle as much as possible.
  2. Ice. Place an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on your ankle for 15 to 20 minutes three times a day.
  3. Compression. Use a compression bandage to reduce swelling.
  4. Elevation.
  5. Over-the-counter pain medications.

How do you relieve ankle pain at night?

Are there home remedies for foot pain at night?

  1. Hydration. Drinking water throughout your day can help you stay hydrated and avoid muscle cramps.
  2. Stretches. Simple stretches like toe and heel lifts can help stretch the muscles and tendons in and around your feet.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Ice.
  5. Massage.

Can your ankles hurt in early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it’s common for women to experience foot problems they never encountered before. Over-pronation (flat feet) and edema (swelling of feet) often develop during pregnancy. Natural weight gain puts added pressure on the knees and ankles, which can lead to heel pain, arch pain, and ball-of-foot pain.

What massages are safe pregnancy?

Safe Techniques for Pregnancy Massage

  • Deep-tissue massage, with firm strokes pressing deep into muscles.
  • Swedish massage, with long strokes to muscles and attention to joint mobility.
  • Shiatsu, with pressure and tapping on acupressure points to stimulate the body’s natural energy (called qi)

What exercise is good for ankle pain?

Cross leg ankle stretch Sit comfortably with your left leg crossed over your right knee. Hold your right foot with your hands. Then use your right hand to bend your left toes and ankle downward, like you’re pointing your toes. You should feel this stretch on the front of your ankle and your foot.

Is walking good for ankle arthritis?

That’s certainly the case for people with arthritis, many of whom tend to avoid exercise when a hip, knee, ankle or other joint hurts. Although that strategy seems to make sense, it may harm more than help. Taking a walk on most days of the week can actually ease arthritis pain and improve other symptoms.

What causes ankle pain while sleeping?

Researchers estimate that more than 3% of Americans have ankle osteoarthritis. This condition can cause the ankle to stiffen and become painful when you’re sleeping. These symptoms are likely caused by the ankle positions or lack of movement that occurs while you’re asleep.

How should I sleep with foot pain?

Elevate Your Legs Using a thick pillow, prop up your legs and feet to keep them elevated while you sleep. You can also use a bed wedge for legs, which will help them stay elevated all night long. Aim for at least six inches of elevation above the heart.

How to reduce foot and ankle swelling during pregnancy?

Some research suggests that foot massage and reflexology, which involves applying pressure to certain areas of the feet, hands and ears, might help decrease foot and ankle swelling during pregnancy. Also, swelling doesn’t mean cutting back on how much you drink.

What can I do to reduce swelling during pregnancy?

Water intake does not increase swelling; one of the best natural treatments for swelling is drinking more fluids. Usually, 8-10 cups of fluids are recommended. However, stick with water as coffee and soft drinks may contain sugar and caffeine, which should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy.

Is it normal to have swelling in legs during pregnancy?

Some women experience swelling in pregnancy that is unrelieved by rest and position change. Again, when it is of gradual onset and remains in the legs or arms it is usually normal. When you google “swelling in pregnancy” the word pre-eclampsia is commonly pops up.

How to deal with restless leg syndrome during pregnancy?

What you can do: There’s no real cure for restless leg syndrome, but there are lifestyle changes you can make to relieve the symptoms, including staying hydrated. We recommend pregnant women drink 80 to 100 ounces of water each day. Calcium and vitamin D supplements also may help.