How are surfactants administered?

How are surfactants administered?

The surfactant is administered via a thin catheter into the trachea in small aliquots, while the baby is spontaneously breathing on CPAP support. In infants 29-32 weeks gestation, LISA may reduce the occurrence of pneumothorax and need for mechanical ventilation.

What are steps of surfactant administration?

Slowly withdraw a little over the required dose into a 3 or 5 mL plastic syringe using a large-gauge needle. Attach the pre-cut 5 Fr catheter to the syringe, prime or fill the catheter with surfactant to the end. Discard excess surfactant through the catheter so that only the dose to be given remains in the syringe.

When and how is surfactant administered?

How often should surfactant be given?

Ideally the dose should be given within 1 hr of birth but definitely before 2 hours of age. A repeat dose should be given within 4 – 12 hours if the patient is still intubated and requiring more than 30 to 40% oxygen….Indications.

Description Surfactant
Premature infants unresponsive to 2 doses of Curosurf Infasurf

What is exogenous surfactant?

Exogenous surfactant is a therapeutic option for newborns, children and adults with acute respiratory distress disorders. Although tracheal instillation is still reputed as the classical method of surfactant delivery, alternative techniques have been investigated.

What is the purpose of surfactant?

The main functions of surfactant are as follows: (1) lowering surface tension at the air–liquid interface and thus preventing alveolar collapse at end-expiration, (2) interacting with and subsequent killing of pathogens or preventing their dissemination, and (3) modulating immune responses.

What medication is surfactant?

List of Lung surfactants:

Drug Name Avg. Rating Reviews
Survanta (Pro) Generic name: beractant 10 No reviews
Surfaxin (Pro) Generic name: lucinactant 6.0 No reviews
Infasurf (Pro) Generic name: calfactant 10 No reviews
Curosurf (Pro) Generic name: poractant 10 No reviews

What is exogenous surfactant made of?

Surfactant is composed of ∼80–85% phospholipids, 5–10% neutral lipids and 8–10% protein, with 5–6% consisting of the four specific surfactant proteins.

What is the generic name for surfactant?

How is a feeding tube used for surfactant administration?

Introduced by Kribs 3 and co-workers in Cologne, Germany in 2007, this technique involves use of a laryngoscope and Magill’s forcep to pass a thin (2.5- 5 French), flexible feeding tube through the vocal cords into the trachea for surfactant administration.

Which is the less invasive method of surfactant administration?

LISA (Less Invasive Surfactant Administration) LISA (Less Invasive Surfactant Administration) Guideline updated Sept 2018 LISA appears to reduce BPD and other adverse outcomes compared to the Insure technique and it is our first line approach to giving surfactant for RDS in non-invasively ventilated babies.

What are the clinical guidelines for surfactant replacement therapy?

The aim of this guideline is to outline the principles of surfactant replacement therapy and the safe administration of surfactant in neonates in the Butterfly ward – Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Can a neonate be placed in multiple positions during surfactant administration?

There is no evidence to support the practice of placing the neonate in multiple positions during administration. Assistant disconnects the ETT from the ventilator. Medical practitioner or NNP to administer the surfactant via the pre-cut 5 Fr catheter in a single bolus dose as quickly as the neonate tolerates.